Saturday, December 29, 2007

Life lessons from David

I have been studying Psalm 38 the past few days. There have been some very interesting thoughts I have been getting while 'unpacking' this portion of Scripture.

This particular Psalm seems to come from David's pen during a time in his life when he had become painfully aware of some mistakes he had made in his past.

But while he was struggling with stress and depression he again ended this poem/song with a confirmation of the Creator God, his Saviour.

If anyone is interested in reading my 'take' on Psalm 38 just click on the 'paraphrases' link to the right.

And as this year draws to a close I wish God's peace in your heart as well as mine.

Bringer of Peace

Peace on earth, good will toward men

Christmas is gone for this year. This is one time of year when many people take at least a passing glimpse at what the Bible calls 'The prince of Peace'. A passing thought might make one think peace is more possible when more of the world is looking at the Prince of Peace. It is a nice idea. However, on the other hand, when I realize that the arch enemy of the Prince of Peace is as busy during this time of year as is Jesus might it be possible that there may be 'less' peace rather than more - externally anyway.

The kind of peace Jesus offers begins in the heart. The kind of peace being pushed by others has to do more with a lack of 'war'. Peace with neighbors, peace from battle, peace to fulfill one's dreams are not the primary goals of what Jesus brings when it was stated "Peace on earth, good will toward men."

The kind of Peace Jesus offers is a connection with God as He originally intended for the human family. In God is life. That kind of life is what brings true peace of heart.

That kind of peace is what I encourage you to seek for during this coming new year.

Bringer of Peace

Friday, December 21, 2007

Looking forward to Peace

I have been experiencing Psalm 37 even more. That is one awesome passage of scripture.

It is excellent in the King James Version but after looking up words in Hebrew it has become even more meaningful.
One text in particular I found extremely interesting in regards to Peace was 11. The following is my paraphrase of that text. (My take of the whole chapter is posted at paraphrases link at the right if anyone wishes to peruse.)

"Those who gently and willingly agree with the Creator will live in the earth and delight in the abundant peace provided through God's love covenant with them."

The next two verses give a bit of a contrast which is also very interesting to me.

12. Some people plot to disturb the peace of those who are right. They work hard (especially with sharp words) to make them as miserable as possible.
13. But my Sovereign Lord laughs at them for He knows their future.

I think God is trying to tell me something here about how I - especially when I am united to Him by accepting His will - may better 'handle' those who attempt to break my peace. Seeing the bigger picture helps to keep God's perspective in mind.

This Psalm does deal with some contrasts but I am also seeing it more as God's perspective for those who choose to accept His will.

The last few verses as I have written them I share now as a benediction of peace.

37 - 40. Watch those who have accepted God's will and you will see peace in action, but those who break away from God's covenant with them will end in nothing. Those who covenant with the Creator God receive His strength, even in trouble. The Self-Existent One surrounds His family. He will slip them away from their abusers, set them free and keep them safe because they flee to Him for protection.

Bringer of Peace

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Progress Notes

Well, my sister has come and gone already. She was a real blessing while she was here. One of the first things we did was get the room where she was going to stay in order. Another friend had given us some rugs. We had already put one in a bedroom and another one in the family room. We laid one in what is now the guest bedroom (where my sister stayed), another one in the living room of the big house and the last rug we put in our living room in a smaller house.

Another project we worked on was getting some plastic on the windows. Since winter is upon us I hope that will help save on our gas and electric bills this year as well as making the house more comfortable.

Besides getting rugs down we worked at getting each room in 'order'. The new guest room had been an office/storage room. We rearranged furniture - removing those pieces that we couldn't find places for - and when it was all said and done it looks very nice, even if I do say so myself.

After getting the new guest room and the living room in order my sister and I worked on the upstairs. I have one room as library/craft room and another one is being set up for an office. During the past few months there have been a number of changes in other rooms and most of the 'extras' had been 'stored' in those two rooms. It took a bit longer but the library/craft room is pretty much cleaned and ready for use. The office still has some things that need to be sorted and either stored or removed but overall it is in pretty good shape, especially considering what it looked like before we started.

The last day my sister was here we started work in earnest on our living room. We did get the rug put down on the floor - that is especially nice now that it is cold outside. Our son wanted some say on how the furniture would be arranged so we didn't quite get everything 'done' but we are progressing.

This past Sunday my hubby and I spent some time under the house working on installing a drain line for a new sit down shower in the main floor bathroom. When we came to attaching it to the existing 'line' we ran into some additional challenges so had to postpone finishing that job until later.

Between the effects of crawling around in the dust and putting as much effort as possible to get as much done as we could while my sister was here I ended up with laryngitis. It does seem better but when my younger brother called me yesterday he didn't recognize me by my voice.

Along with the 'physical' help my sister gave me, she also shared some observations I have appreciated very much.

My sister had a 600 mile drive ahead of her after leaving here so she left here Tuesday evening and drove for perhaps 100 miles before getting a motel for the night. She wanted to be in Brunswick, Ga. by Wednesday evening and in Florida by Thursday evening.

I do believe that her helping here has helped bring more peace with the increasing 'order' and for that I am grateful. We still have a lot to do but every little bit helps.

I was a bit under the 'weather' yesterday and didn't get a whole lot done. But today I am feeling better and there is much to do so I will close for now.

May God's peace be experienced in your heart today.

Bringer of Peace

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Feeding on Psalm 37

Psalm 37 begins by telling me not to fret. What does the word 'fret' mean?
Here is what I gleaned from Strong's Hebrew definition.

Fret - glow, blaze up, melt down, show or incite passion,

We are told not to fret about evildoers.

Evildoers - to spoil, breaking in pieces, make good for nothing.

Verse 2 tells us why. 2, For they shall soon (hurry, promptly, be liquid, flow easily,) be cut down

I found it interesting that God is telling me not to 'blaze up' or 'melt down' and the reason why I don't need to do that is because then, or at least it sounds like one of the reasons why is that the evildoers are doing that very thing to themselves and God doesn't want me 'joining them'.

There are many more interesting concepts that are also unfolding in my 'unpacking' of Psalm 37. I'll put it on my paraphrase link when I get a better handle on the whole chapter.

Until then,
Have a peaceful time of the year.

Bringer of peace.


My sister arrived safe and sound from Michigan. For anyone who has been by our place, you will have an idea of how much we have been able to accomplish. The living room is 'full' but comfortable with one of the rugs on the floor. The former 'office' is now a comfortable guest room/study with another of the rugs on the floor for comfort and warmth. Another one of the rugs was put in the family room. We have put plastic on most of the windows of the farmhouse. Upstairs we have been making a goodly amount of progress as well. There was a former bedroom I had been working to make it a library/craft/sewing room. The former living room in the upstairs apartment is taking shape as an office/project/video room. We have been slowly finding 'homes' for excess pieces of furniture which had been put in the upstairs rooms when cleaning out two other rooms for a couple of ladies to have as their rooms.

It has been such a blessing to have my sister helping me. She has a 'fresh' view and can see ways of organizing that has been a big blessing. But without some decisions that were made just a couple of weeks ago most of what we have been able to do would not have been possible. My sister had been thinking of coming since July. but circumstances seemed against her coming. A couple of weeks ago the man who had had his office in the front of the main house told us he was 'letting go' of that room as an office (the one now a guest bedroom/study). Then just a few days later my sister called and said she could help us for a few days. Not long before the man's decision to move his office, we had just finished moving the two ladies who have been here for some time into more permanent living areas.

Looking back I can see God working in His time and way to enable us to make progress in creating a more peace conducive area here on our farm. We may not be done but a lot has been accomplished this past week for which I am very grateful. (By the way my hubby got the load of metal taken in to the recycling place - one less load of stuff to get rid of. Whoopee!)

To me the above 'progress' is helpful in coming into one kind of peace. I do take a lot of responsibility for what has happened here but I also realize that a lot of people have come through this farm in the past few years and 'too much' has been left behind. I am determined to get rid of some of this 'left behind' stuff - both by others and by us.

Duane was requested to take some extra time off before the end of the year. That may also be a real blessing to help us reach a 'cleanup' = 'peacemaking' goal here.

Whatever happens in the future I am thankful for the progress thus far.

I just read at my friend, Linda's site, how she has chosen to be thankful for her blessings even with problems. That is one great example of God's kind of peace - I think so anyway.

May God give you His peace this season.

Bringer of Peace

Monday, December 10, 2007

Peace Like a River - 6

God wants my peace from Him to keep flowing in and through and from me. But just as some rivers have certain conditions that cause turbulance so I seem to still find the same in my life.
Today I was asked to help someone. In my mind there were a few things that needed to be done before the requested task could be properly completed so I started on those first. We got one job done and it looked real nice. (Someone had given us several rugs and we had put them in a 'front' room until we had time to 'spread them out'. We had put one of the rugs in a bedroom to help keep the floor more comfortable during the cooler weather. Today we got the second rug laid out in the family room - for those of you who have been here.) The suggestion was made to straighten up the living room so we could put one of the rugs there so I started on that job next. About that time I got the distinct impression that the lady who had asked me to help her and I were no longer on the same 'work list'. She had told me she was going to take care of some boxes on the front porch (she had asked me to put them there earlier for her to use for her animals) but rather she moved some furniture into the living room where I thought we were trying to 'empty' to put down the rug. At first I was tempted to just put them back on the porch -- but then I realized that was just a bit of 'spite' mixed in. About this time when I began to feel 'angry' I asked God to show me why I was feeling the way I was instead of 'putting' all the blame on another. I'm not sure I have all the answers yet but I did feel that God was working with my mind. Some of my reactions, I believe anyway, were ok, but some weren't - yet.
I was able to move a number of other items out of the living room and pretty soon the other lady came back in and wondered why I wasn't 'done' (or so it seemed to me) and ready for the rugs.
Well, about that time I got a call and had to leave for a work assignment away from here. (Maybe that was good timing afterall.) Anyway, I do hope to get the living room back into shape as soon as possible, whether or not I get any help. Sometimes I have a pitty party and think that I do most if not all the work of cleaning up. But then, I realize I did have some help this morning which puts an end to the party - for now. My allowing God to show me what is in my heart causing 'friction' also helps to reduce the 'rapids' caused by underlying sources in the river of peace that God is still pouring into my heart.

After picking up some mail in a nearby town for the other friend I was helping I ended up sharing about what Jesus has been doing in my life with a lady in a store where I stopped to get some information. That kind of activity sure does help to restore the proper flow in the river of peace in my heart.

My hubby was supposed to take a day off before the new year. He may take some extra time off that we weren't planning. He came home this evening with a coat on, built a wood fire and was sitting here feeling as though he were freezing when I got home. He finally went to bed. I hope he is feeling better by morning. I have been so very thankful for the many years that the Lord has blest me with him. In November we celebrated 33 years together for which we are grateful.

Hopefully my oldest sister will be able to spend a few days with us here. She and her husband take bees to Florida during the winter. She is taking a detour to help me for a few days. I'm grateful for whatever help I receive from her in getting our farm back into a good shape.

This past weekend we were able, with the help of a couple of friends, get some of the outside areas picked up. Duane and I took a load of trash to the dump. We started loading some metal 'trash' to take to the recycling place - hopefully this week also (if hubby gets to feeling better, that is). I had been collecting some cardboard also that I hope to be able to dispose of as well.

Until next time I write may I encourage anyone who might read this to look to the source of the river of peace (Jesus) and stay in it's current.

Bringer of Peace

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Peace by connection

I have recently been opening up Psalm 35. (I have posted my present understanding of it on the 'paraphrase' link to the right if anyone wishes to peruse.) It has been a fascinating study. Somehow my picture of the Creator God has taken on some new 'color'. I have known that God doesn't mind when I get frustrated and tell Him how I feel. But sometimes I don't even know how to 'do' that. This Psalm has been sharing some thoughts along that line to mentor me.
It isn't exactly a conversation between David and God, but almost. I don't know if we are informed about who was bothering David when he wrote this Psalm but it doesn't really matter for it was a 'sample' for me to follow. When I get uptight with folks who seem to be bent on only ruining peace it gives me some kind of a plan to follow.

It is appropriate to 'vent', evidently, especially to our heavenly Father. And yet, again and again David expresses the positives God will do, is doing and has done.

I am in an experience at present where that seems to be what I should do. Instead of only saying, "Lord, please help!!!" (and that is not wrong to do, just don't stop there) I have been learning to continue on and include something like "Thank you, my God. I praise You for taking care of this situation in your time and way" Thank you also for working with me, which thus enables you to save another. Something happens inside of me as I end in that kind of 'praise'. I am also becoming more and more convinced that it has a lot to do with my own attitude. How can God help the other person(s) if I am an old sour myself. That is definitely not revealing the true character of God to them through me.

This morning I listened as my hubby read the following to me. The first one suggests one of the enemy's tactics. " He (Satan) will present before them (those being tempted by him) entrancing views of the kingdom of God, and he claims that these are views of His kingdom. But are they? NO;no."
The second one gave me the answer to how to be able to 'act' like Jesus. "We need the presence of the Holy Spirit of God with us, that our hearts may be softened and that we may not bring a harsh spirit into the work."

Someone described that kind of experience with God as Him hugging me so lovingly tight that I can't tell where He begins and I end, or where I begin for that matter. Sounds good to me.
I also think that is what enables His peace to flow through me to others - whether they choose to receive it or not - by me being to close to God.

When I got up this morning I found a note in the kitchen from our son (taped on a tin of cookies he had made at a friend's house) thanking us for our patience with him. That is another big, big reason I am wanting God's peace in me. In the past our son has seen the 'sour'. I am choosing now to be a channel of God's love to reveal not only the peace of God but His joy filled love as well - both to folks more distant and even more importantly to our son right here at home. I know I have gone far from that peace and joy but I also know my God came after me a long ways. Praise God, He is in the business of bringing us all back into His 'close embrace' of love.

Bringer of Peace

Friday, December 7, 2007

Flowing Peace

This morning I read the following statement that really impacted me - particularly in relation to peace both for me and for others.

Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for His children. He wants our minds to be clear, our tempers sweet, our love unbounding. Then the peace that passeth knowledge will flow from us to bless all with whom we come in contact. The atmosphere surrounding our souls will be refreshing. (Quoted from a book called Sons and Daughters of God page. 348)

I can be privileged to receive God's peace and then allow it to flow out from me to others in blessing - revealing what God is really like and what He has done. Isn't that wonderful!

Bringer of Peace

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The way to Peace

As I sit at my computer this morning I can see a light snow falling outside. I have been attempting to get my woodstove to cooperate with me in getting our place a little warmer.
There seem to be some lessons emerging from this experience. Putting big 'bites' of wood into the stove does little good in getting a fire started in the beginning. As most folks, who have experienced the 'wonders' of 'wood' heat, know, it really helps a lot to start with some small pieces of wood. Another factor is how much moisture is in the wood. Wet wood will eventually burn but it needs a whole lot more help than does dry wood. I went out and got some smaller wood - kindling -and it looks as though the fire just might burn. Since we live in a relatively small house the one stove does quite well in providing warmth when there is a wood fire inside of it.

There was a man we had gotten to know some time back who worked in landscaping and tree pruning. When he found out that we burned wood he offered to - and brought us, - several loads of cut wood before he was killed when he fell out of a tree in a sad accident. Also, another man, to whom we had sold our trailer, has brought several loads of wood. We have been very grateful for these 'gifts of love'. Up until this past Sunday, though, most of the cut wood has been in a big pile waiting to be split. We have a splitter but it wasn't starting properly so I couldn't just go out and split some wood when I had time. Duane was finally able to spend the time needed and got the splitter working again and even got a small amount of wood split. We are still finishing up the 'older wood' from last winter's supply but it will soon be gone.

One advantage to heating with a wood fire is that it is often less expensive then other forms of heating - unless you have to buy all the wood already precut and presplit. But when a person burns wood for heating their dwelling they soon learn that there are several elements very helpful when working with this kind of a heating system. I see some practical life lessons here.

1. One thing that is extremely helpful in getting a fire started is to have some smaller pieces of wood to begin with. We usually crumple up some paper as a starter also. You can use a starter fluid or some type of combustable fluid but that has its drawbacks and often safety concerns.
A. There are some similarities in developing a 'warm relationship' with another mind. It is really helpful to start with 'small' things. Some of us see the goal set before us and instead of beginning with 'paper' sized elements we try to put the big log on. Jesus referred to something similar when he talked about getting the mote out of your own eye before attempting to take a 'log' out of another person's eye. Starting with small things is often the best way to get a bigger job accomplished to satisfaction.

2. Another common 'challenge' is 'time. It takes time to build a fire that will be productive of heat, i.e. warm the house. Not only does it take time to prepare the wood before it is lit, but a fire takes time to really begin to release wamth even after it is burning.
B. We may have become part of God's family but it may take some time for us to 'warm up' in such a way as to allow the warmth of the love and peace of God to warm our hearts, thus preparing us to warm those around us with that same love - the fulfilling of the law.

3. I had tried a little earlier to get a fire started but my first efforts were almost useless. I didn't have enough kindling (small pieces of wood that could burn easily) to begin with and after the paper burned up the fire almost went out. I paused in my writing, went out, got some small kindling and placed it on the fire and now it looks as though the fire is going good.
C. In a recent experience with another mind I had attempted to put in to it too big of hunks (mainly of informational stuff) and I almost put out the relationship altogether. I am presently attempting to find the right kind of kindling that works in re'firing' that relationship that almost got overwhelmed by too big of pieces of 'would' comments which almost put the 'fire' out.

4. Besides wood it is essential to have air in order for a fire to burn. You have probably seen what happens to a candle when you put it under an upsidedown glass - it very shortly goes out. Fire must have air - oxygen - in order to burn.
D. The 'air' of the Holy Spirit is needed to invigorate and 'fire up' any relationship such as when I deal with other minds as well as when I am communing with the Creator God of the universe.

4. A wood stove fire needs tending. In this way it is different than most home heating systems. You can turn a gas stove on - just set the thermistat at a desired temperature - and 'forget it'. A wood stove has to be 'fed' wood or it will go out.
E. Our relationships with other minds must also be 'fed'. It takes time to develop a relationship and it takes time to keep it going as well with the right kind of fuel.

Might the same be true in our relationship with out heavenly Father? It is not a 'set it and forget it' proposition. God is asking me to come to Him all the time. He wants me to be filled with His love to the point that I will burn in love not only for Him but for others as well.

I'm also wondering if that might be the way to peace as well. True Peace is from God. And as we experience peace because we are learning who God really is and what He is really like we will be better able to 'build' peace based relations with others.

It is not wise to put just anything into a wood stove. So there are some things that may not be wise to bring to relationships with God or others. Concrete doesn't burn well. Neither is it wise to burn plastic. It will burn but in the process it also gives off some substances that may not bee too healthy. So it is true with our relationships with others. There are some areas it is best not to delve into. Each relationship is also very different. I can talk to one brother about certain topics that I don't feel I can even get near with another brother. The same is true with other people as well. Everything in a relationship that is filtered through the love of Christ will be a blessing to me - even if the other mind did not receive it as such.

For anyone interested I believe some comments my brother has made may also be of interest. (use the link to the right.)

I need to go for now. The snow has slowed down, the room is warmer, and I have much to do today. I may go into town later but my hubby called and said there are several accidents due in part to the snow and to be real careful if I do venture out.

For those of you in warmer locations, you may be thankful you don't have a fire that needs building. To those in colder places you can thank the Lord for warmth.

Bringer of Peace

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bits and Pieces

The last few days have been interesting. It seems I don't accomplish my plans but hopefully what was done was at least useful. One item has been some email between myself and someone else on the relation of emotion and intellect. I find that I can get quite caught up at times in trying to prove my point(s) - a very intellectual approach. Since the other person is also intellectual it can get quite 'warm' at times on the emails :). On the other hand both of us, I now believe, have been sending some pretty strong messages in regards to our 'emotions' as well as the words being written. To add to that experience I spent at least a few hours talking to my younger brother concerning some of these things. He has been learning how to relate to the God given emotions inside of him and he shared with me lots along that topic - as well as several others. As I would share some of what I had put in the emails at times I could see that I was actually responding intellectually to an intellectual question when in fact the request was often really looking for an emotion based response. I'm not real good at the emotion based communication modalities but by God's grace I am learning.

I stopped by a local thrift shop looking for a washing machine. I also spotted a rug we could use for our living room and picked it up. I was sort of half dragging it to the check out when a man kindly picked it up for me. He was asking them to hold a table top christmas tree ($3.50). After I was through he carried the rug out and put it in my car. We got to talking as I asked him if I could give him a christmas present and handed him the money for his tree. He told me that he had been homeless for about 2 months but had just gotten an apartment. The place he had lived before was drug infested and he chose to stay on the street to avoid those influences until he could find something better - which he had just recently done. I asked how he was doing and he mentioned that he did not yet have a bed. Upon my request he gave me his phone no. After going home and unloading the leaves into the garden from our truck I came back to get the washing machine and also brought a twin mattress, box springs and a nice chair for the man. He seemed delighted with it and I felt very good too.

I have slowly been getting a few more things done around my place lately. Our son has been working on getting his room in better shape. Hopefully we can get more done on it next week. Last week I 'shrunk' my office space in our living room again. I have a big office in the big house next door but when we rearranged two bedrooms I ended up with a whole bunch of furniture - that I am still trying to figure out what to do with so most of what I get done is from our house for the time being.

Part of the answer as to where to put the 'extra' furniture may have come this evening. A friend who used to live here came by this evening and said that he was going to be moving his 'office' to where he is now living. (We had been sort of holding one room as his office for legal purposes although most of the time it has been as much of a store room as an office.) Anyway, I hope to set up that room with at least some of the furniture not needed upstairs and it might also be able to be used as a guest room. Time will tell. But right now I am working on our house.

It is getting cooler these days. We usually have been firing up our woodstove in the evenings. But soon we may need it more split wood for burning. We don't have a lot of wood split yet so that is going to become a priority real soon.

Our church has been putting new floor coverings in. The meeting area got new rugs. (They let me have the leftover pieces and I am contemplating making a patch work rug out of the pieces combined with some other color rug pieces as well. We'll see.) Downstairs in the church a tile that looks like wood has been installed. I was hoping to have a rug for my children's room (I teach the younger children) but I have decided to just go along with what others think is best. I don't really have anything to say about what is being done in the church. They had a remodeling committee who oversaw that part. Sometimes I forgot that and gave my 2 cents but as usual it got me into trouble.

The lady friend I have been helping seems to be rebounding quite well. We are still unpacking but her house is looking better all the time. I am not needing to spend as much time there now and she is doing a lot more on her own. We had thanksgiving dinner at her place and enjoyed it. I still seem to be misinterpreting what she says but I think part of that stems from the fact that she is far more 'emotion' based and I have been 'programmed' far more intellectual, meaning that at times - more often than not - when she says something she is seeking an emotion based answer but when I come up with an intellectual response it can be confusing to both of us. (It can work both ways.) But I am very thankful for the lessons I have learned through her as my friend.

With so many different things going on, at first glance one might wonder if there is any hope. Yet, with a deeper look I am seeing God teaching me how to be more like Him through each one of the above situations and many more.

God's form of peace is not dependent on circumstances. I am also becoming more and more convinced it is based a whole lot more on attitude (mine). Certain choices of mine can definitely influence true peace, but even that, I don't think, has as much influence as my attitude.

It is getting late so I will close for this time.

May God's Sabbath time of Peace this coming seventh day fill you with both God's peace and joy.

Bringer of Peace

Friday, November 23, 2007

Joy and Peace in Believing - 2

It seems it has taken some time and effort to even begin to understand what Psalm 33 is saying but the longer I have been 'unpacking' it - both looking up meanings and attempting to read in context - there seems to be coming more continuity. There have been some 'surprises', but it is almost like I am beginning to look for them - the surprises that is, as little fountains of joy.

My older brother gave me some very good suggestions when doing this kind of study. He mentioned that there are really three ways the translators would use when looking at th Bible in the original language. The most common was simply to 'translate' - usually word for word - from one language to another. Another tool that they used was to consider how the word was used in the phrase. Many times there are phrases in a language that carry a different meaning than if each word were used individually. (That is very true in the English language, I know. A horse runs fast (quickly). That shirt is color fast (the colors won't run or get washed out), A person is on a fast (they are not eating). The third way that translators used, especially with passages that otherwise were difficult (or impossible) to do 'word for word' was to use illustrations to get the point across that the original writers seemed to be aiming at.

In Psalm 33 all three ways seemed to be used. Verse 17, however, seemed somewhat out of place in some respects until I looked at it as an illustration.
17 An horse [is] a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver [any] by his great strength.

The hebrew meaning for the word horse is: to skip (properly for joy), leaping, flight - like a swallow (from its rapid flight),

After asking the Lord for His meaning and attempting to see the context my present understanding of that verse has developed at present into: 17. Always being busy or working super fast won't necessarily produce true satisfaction even with good organization and sufficient help to carry out the plans.

I'm still learning so even this may change
The whole chapter is at the paraphrase link, if you are interested my present understanding.

Since beginning to write Psalms in my own words I have been blessed. There is joy involved when I discover some 'hidden' meanings, especially when they are so applicable to my life at present.

There is also a peace as I have been seeing new pictures of the Creator God of the Universe.

It seems a whole lot easier to believe the Creator God as I learn more about Him.

I am writing this during hours I call Sabbath. It is a special time to share with God and about Him. The Sabbath too is meant to be Peace and Joy producing.

May the God of Peace share with You in a special way as you have allowed me to share with you.

Bringer of Peace.

Life Update - even some on Peace

I use this site for occasional life updates as well as my thoughts on peace and joy so here goes for some recent 'going ons'.

The end of October was a closing and a new beginning in more ways than one. For the friend that I have been helping, October 30 closed the history in her life on a very rocky, at times intensely troubling, experience. Once the legal 'struggle' seemed over and she left the 'scene' of so much heartache and turmoil, there has been quite a change in her - at least from my view. She no longer lives in the same dwelling as her betrayer. She no longer has to be reminded constantly of the abuse she suffered for years from the person who had previously begged for the privilege of calling her 'mother'. Yes, for her there has been a returning of peace.

There have still been some tense times. Memories still pop up now and then. She was sorting some of her books the other day when she came across some cards the other person had sent to her expressing supposedly strong sentiments of love and appreciation to my friend as 'her mother'. Her first response was one of disgust and almost fear. But then, after a couple of moments, she even chuckled and suggested sending the cards back to this person to remind them of what they had done. (?)
She still also feels occasionally that she is being 'stalked'. Yesterday she thought she heard the front door open. When she got there the door was open and her dogs were out. When she went outside a man was standing across the road next to a blue truck (similar to the truck of the man who had worked for the other lady). She got the dogs back into the house in a panic. After she had calmed a bit she called and told me what had happened. [I don't have the answer but I'm thankful the situation ended as good as it did.]
There have also been stresses relating to my friend's 17 year old cat finally dying. My hubby and I went over and helped her with the 'final rites' details. [We wrapped the body in a purple cloth and took it to its final resting place in the upper corner of the yard.]
And of course there has been a certain amount of stress as well in unpacking and organizing my friend's things in the new place. (Some boxes had been in storage for years so the process has been very interesting as well as at time memory jogging.) But these tensions seem almost nothing compared to before October 30.

But this year's Thanksgiving, above all other recent events, (at least in my mind) has for her in particular been almost like a 'right of passage'. She loves holidays. She has shared with us, over the past year and a half, many new ways of 'doing things' for holidays. Even last year she did all she could to make Thanksgiving as 'thankfilled' as possible even under her stressful condition.
But this year she was 'free'. This year she had her own place. This year she wanted those to be with her who helped her get to the present state of freedom. And toward that goal she put every energy she had (and some I didn't even know she had it seemed).

The meal was quite a spread. The atmosphere in her new place is spacious, light and to me friendly. And even though not everything is unpacked yet and where they will belong, we had been able to get the main parts of the house 'guest worthy'. And as I watched my friend I felt thankful that I had been able to help her in getting 'freed' from the oppression she had been in.

"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free"
Sadly enough, some truth is not pleasant. My friend had for years tried to help the person who betrayed her and in a sense she had believed lies that had gotten her into the situation in the first place. But now my friend is free and I praise the Lord.

There are other life events for which I am also thankful. We have been able to get a few things done at the farm recently as well. One lady had lost her house several years ago. The only place we had at that time as on our front porch. This past April a couple who had been living here moved to Tennessee. It has taken time but we were finally able to help this lady moved from the porch to an upstairs bedroom. She seems the happiest that she has been for a long time. (I also hope the happiness continues.)

This next statement is not a thanksgiving so much but rather a 'promise' to myself. I am praying and determining that by the grace and help of God I can now get my own house in order. I feel as though I have left what I needed to do in my own place to help elsewhere - my friend as well as others. Now I choose to focus on my own home which desperately needs my help NOW!

Perhaps those who read this will add their prayers to my determination that what I NEED to do at home will no longer be left 'by the way'. Thanks in advance for your encouragements.

Bringer of Peace

Not Peace alone

I have mentioned this before but I have needed reminding of the concept myself so I will share it again. Peace is not a 'stand alone' experience. Something might be 'peace', but without corresponding 'joy' it cannot produce the true effects desired of 'peace'. This is the way our brains are 'wired' so we might as well get used to it and put it into practice.

Some call peace a lack of conflict. Some have labeled an experience peace when nothing is happening that entails an expenditure of 'energy'. Those experiences may well have their place in one's life experience. But real peace produces its true synergistic effect only when 'coupled' with the energization of 'real joy'. I'm not sure yet if one of those two - joy or peace - have to be 'first' or not. I seem to have 'started' with either one at various times. What seems to be more important is that whatever (or wherever) I start it is important to seek out the relating experience to receive the desired 'growing' effect.

One type of situation I have experienced is when I find something exciting in the Bible. A concept sounds so wonderful and produces joy in me as it opens to my understanding. But if I do not apply it to my life, or at times just share what I have learned with someone else, it seems to just 'fade away'. There have also been times when I have found a peace in God's Word and basked in that experience. But again, if I 'stop there', I seem to lose it. When I have gotten excited and shared what I learned with another I profit even more.

Maybe that is one reason the Thanksgiving season can be a real blessing. As we share with others what has blessed us we complete the 'joy/peace' connection thus blessing not only ourselves but others as well.

I trust your Thanksgiving was completed.

Bringer of Peace

Monday, November 12, 2007

Leading to Peace

For the last several days I have been focusing on Psalm 32. Several verses from that Psalm I had learned to sing. I thought I had a pretty good idea of the content, until, (which is getting common lately) I began to really 'unpack' it. I have posted it at the paraphrase blog listed on the right. I'm also going to put it here with a few additional comments of my own interspersed.
Psalm 32
1. A teaching poem written by David. Happiness and right! Quarrels, revolt, and apostasy lifted; misses filled up and offenses covered. Sounds to me like a celebration going on here.
2. Happy the person who the Creator doesn't demand 'pay' for crooked, evil actions and when one's own attitude is not treacherous or deceptive.
3 - 4. When I ignored or fabricated excuses for my wrong attitudes and/or actions, my body wore out and became weak from guilt I carried all the time. Day and night Your Spirit worked so intensely on me that my vigor dried up like dry, cracked ground in a summer drought. (pause)
5. I finally saw how I missed Your will for me, and how crooked my ways were and I quit hiding. I said, "I let go of my revolt against the Creator." You lifted the guilt of my crooked ways where I had missed Your will for me. (pause.)
6. This is what those who love God pray for while He is still available - for oftentimes when people have great problems they get so discouraged they no longer reach out to come near to God for themselves. Intercession for others
7. You, my hiding place and cover, will guard me from being crowded by opponents and surround me with exuberant shouts of joy while delivering me, as You say to me: (pause)
8. "I will give you intelligent answers, pointing out My course of life for you to walk. I will guide and advise you with My eye.
9. Don't keep running around but don't become a hermit either. Those kinds of people have to be restrained or else by what they say they often hurt others."
10. Those who do not accept God's plans for them multiply their grief, anguish and pain, but those who run for refuge, with confidence, to the Self-Existent One will be surrounded with kindness and beauty.
11. All you who agree with God be glad, spin around and shout for joy with all your heart, mind and soul - everything you have. Response of those who love God

There is even more to this love passage from God but for now I will go.
Bringer of Peace

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Authority and Peace

Could my concept of peace still need to be adjusted in relationship to authority. There are some times and situations when things are not going as would seem to be for peace. Yet, because others are in the positions of authority there may not be awhole lot that can be done to change what is being done.

As I think about Jesus' life I see Him in somewhat of that situation. As far as I can ascertain Jesus respected authority - both civil and church - so long as they did not lead to disregarding His Heavenly Father's authority.

Another perception I presently have of Jesus is that in His form of government He DOES NOT USE FORCE. Yes, there are and will be consequences. But God sacredly guards the power of choice.
I very much need to learn some of those lessons myself. I am not to force others. Even though my hubby and I are managers of a farm and in theory we are supposed to have the last 'word', we are to respect others and their choices - particularly since they are physically adults. That, I think, has been a challenge for me.

This also leads me to believe that there are different aspects of Peace. I can have a peace inside of me through Jesus. On the other hand when others will not accept proper authority there may not be peace when it comes to relationships in certain areas. Keeps life interesting to say the least. Even though

I can be at peace in my heart.
I can be at peace that I am in the place of authority that God has placed me in.
I may not always feel peaceful when others disagree.
The atmosphere may get tense when others go against my authority but that doesn't mean I have to let go of the inner peace from the Lord. I do not have to accept the authority of those who seem to be opposing me.

I hope and pray I am learning God's will and way for me, praise the Lord.

Bringer of Peace

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Outward Peace, Inward Peace or both

Some people consider peace as no war, no arguments, no stress. True peace involves a person's attitude - what is going on inside the mind and heart. When God's love is accepted then God's peace and joy are tp be inwardly experienced as well.

It is nice to not argue. It is also very nice when the other person understands what is being communicated and doesn't attempt to say differently seemingly just to 'be different'. But when that does happen can a person retain inside peace? - peace in their mind and heart?

I seem to be in that position at present. I don't have all the answers but I hope I'm learning God's way and will for me. A couple of nights ago my hubby and I spent most of the evening in what seemed to me (at times anyway) attempting to bring about resolutions between two people and somewhat of stress between us and them. When we got done I didn't feel that everything was resolved but I had found out a lot of things I haven't done right while managing this property we have been responsible for as managers.

Then the next day another person gave me their take on the situation being discussed the night before, telling me their perception of what I didn't 'do right'. (One small consolation was that by not doing what we had planned on doing the night before - when we talked instead of worked - we did one less thing wrong.)

This time around, however, it seems that for a larger segment of the time I realized that even though I was listening to different 'complaints', I didn't have to loose peace on the inside. I didn't perfectly 'ride the storm', so to speak, but I think I learned more about God's will involving peace.

For now may you continue to learn more about God's plan for peace in your heart and life.

Bringer of Peace

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Peace like a river - 5

I know the Bible talks about Peace like a river and I believe it. On the other hand it is nice to have the object which is the symbol as well - water. Our water system has been having problems for far too long. Finally this past Sunday we pulled the pipes and found out that the footvalve was 'gone'. Monday evening my hubby finally got all the parts back together along with new connections where needed and a new footvalve assembly. After priming the pump we turned on the pump and after only about 2-3 minutes the whole water system was filled and the pump turned off on its own. (It would run all the time before unless we manually turned it off.) The silence was like music to our ears. Other than some difficulties with some sand in faucet screens it and a clothes washer that needed some attention, it looks like all is presently well. Praise the Lord.

I am also thankful that it seems my computer is working better also. Everytime I would try to do anything with e-mail the whole system would freeze or close to it. I finally was informed that the computer had a conflict of interest. I downloaded fixes and at present it seems to be working ok for which I am also very grateful.

Last evening we were going to try to help get some things organized over at the other house we manage. Instead of doing physical work we ended up spending most of the evening trying to sort out some 'people' conflicts. I took my share of hits and my hubby said I gave too many to others. I also apologized when I was told how others viewed some former actions of mine in ways that I had no idea they were perceiving as they had.

I am hoping that the time was well spent even though nothing was moved as planned. But in God's eye's relationships between people that bring in His kind of unity is more important than political, intellectual or even spiritual 'facts'. I do want to have truth as it is in Jesus inside of me and I believe God is sharing His truth with me. Some recent lessons, however, are leading me to the conclusion that God's kind of unity is highly relational. I want to learn more of that also.

I have other things that need to be done today so will sign off for now. Until next time you and I are together may the God of Peace pour His Spirit into your life like a nourishing river of life.

Bringer of Peace.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Attack on Peace - 2

I have been looking at Psalm 30. The whole Psalm has been very interesting but one section in particular seems applicable to some current situations.
5 For his anger [endureth but] a moment; in his favour [is] life: weeping may endure, for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
6 In my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved.
7 LORD, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong: . . . . KJV

Looking back on the past few weeks and particularly days while helping my friend move I have sensed at times some intense frustrations and anxieties. My friend had often told me that when she had moved into the now contested house she and the other person had strongly indicated that neither one would have to move again. That, of course, has been proven incorrect. Yet, the very act of moving, at least for my friend, has brought more peace to her life. She has been very busy getting settled in her new place and for a few days she has the help of a business friend, but to me it seems that she has been less anxious overall. Hopefully the stress that she had been living under has been removed. The other party tried to contact my friend by sending certified mail to our place but since my friend doesn't live here it was returned undeliverable. (If she wants to correctly contact my friend she can still do it through the lawyers.)]

There have also been other situations in my sphere that have attempted to disrupt peace. One of them happened yesterday when one lady living at our place was very unhappy that our oven was broken. She finally recommended taking the stove out of her kitchen area and putting it in our kitchen. Her kitchen does not yet have 220 electric power so we finally agreed to move the stove to our kitchen. It has been nice to have an oven back for our use as well as her baking.

Our water system has not been working properly for some weeks. We at first thought that, because of the drought, our well was going dry. Yesterday we opened the well for a visual inspection. We measured and found that there was probably from 12-15 feet of water in the large bore well. Next we pulled the pipes up. That revealed a foot valve in rather sorry condition. We might have been able to get it all back together last night but due to a connection that had to be cut rather than taken apart we need at least one more part which we hope to be able to get today and get the system back into working order this evening. If all goes well we hope to have water real soon - maybe even tonight. Since we are used to having running water at out fingertips - toilet, washing clothes, washing dishes, showers, etc. it has been very interesting to see how different ones cope. Several folks belong to a fitness club so they have been going there for showers. My friend had let me wash our clothes at her place, at least until she moved. (We are not bothering her for a few days to let her get settled in.) We do have some rain water to flush toilets with and a few other odd jobs. If push comes to shove we also have a hand pump on a smaller well that we can use for non-consumption uses.

All of these situations are simply revealing to us and others whether our peace is from within or if it is based on circumstances sort of like Psalm 30 mentions: 6 In my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved.
Do I see these situations as attacks on peace? Or might they also be opportunities to look to my loving Heavenly Father and ask Him to show me and enable me to act just like Him. I believe I have been learning the second experience for which I thank God.

I have put my paraphrase of Psalm 30 on the paraphrase link - listed to the right - if anyone is interested.

Now the God of Peace bring you into a unity of peace with Him is my prayer.

Bringer of Peace

Friday, November 2, 2007

Attack on Peace 1

People in situations causing stress may often have more difficulty maintaining peace in the heart.
While helping my friend in her recent move there were a number of times when it seemed we were not on the same 'wave link'. I was praying about this challenge and I began to be aware that there was more to this problem then just simple misunderstanding between us. I was talking to my heavenly Father about this challenge in communications. This is not the only time I seem to have had this type of problem. As I was praying to God about this present difficulty the thought came to my mind that there is a deeper challenge involving not only this occasion but also evident on quite a few earlier occasions. Could it be that this 'misunderstanding' is a result of a 'scrambling' of the verbal message I give? Could there be a spirit that has been assigned to confuse messages I attempt to convey to another, particularly under stress? Might that be a direct attack on peace? That was a new thought to me.

The next time I noted this happening I began praying for God to cast out the spirit that was attempting to confuse issues. On more than one occasion I saw an immediate change.

I am still learning but for now may the God of Peace keep you in Peace

Bringer of Peace

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Moving update

Since I have written quite a bit about helping my friend move I'll give a brief update for anyone who might be interested. October 30 was to be the final 'walk through'. The other person involved 'inspected' the house and we left about 1:30 p.m. Everything is not settled with the person who has been at odds with my friend but at this point my friend is now in her new location and excitedly trying to get settled. Her business partner is there for a few days so I am not as much in demand for the moment. There are still some items in storage and we hope to get them moved today but they are not on quite as much of a critical time schedule as getting out of the former residence was.

When my friend called this morning she still has a lot to do but I sensed more of an 'upbeat' in her tone of voice. She is one who makes schedules and lists and true to her nature she has one for today. Most likely she gets much more accomplished with that way of doing things. At times it has been a challenge to me, however, because it seems plans can change almost as many times as they are made, but I keep trying anyway.

In summary, the biggest part of the actual move is over. The unpacking and getting the new house in a living condition has barely begun. If my friend had her way the settling in would be finished tomorrow but time only will tell on how her plans will work. In conclusion, I hope that the lack of the tension caused by the legal battle will enhance her capacity to function more efficiently. She has many plans for the future and I am eager to see how God will continue to use her to His glory.
I have much to do today so will go for now.
Bringer of Peace

Future Peace

Many years ago when I was in taking classes in the field of elementary education I was in a singing group that learned to sing portions of scripture. (I have since collected many scripture songs as a personal hobby.) These scripture songs have been a tremendous blessing to me over the years. A number of them I learned while in that group were chapters from the Psalms.

More recently I began taking time to 'paraphrase' individual' chapters in the Psalms after looking up the meanings of words from Strong's concordance and asking the Holy Spirit to enable me to see the original meaning. That has been a very fascinating adventure. (Anyone interested in my present understanding of chapters I have already done just click on the 'paraphrase' link.)
While I have been working on some of the Psalms it seems that the Lord has been coordinating my life experiences to bring out what I learn from a Psalm (or maybe the other way around, I am not always sure).
Presently I have been working on Psalm 29 which is one of the Psalms I had learned to sing way back when. It has nice poetic sounds - I guess that is the proper way to say it - in the King James Version that I had memorized to music. On the other hand I don't think I really had much of an idea what David was attempting to say. Then I began to 'unpack' it - look up the meanings of the words while asking the Holy Spirit to guide me into understanding it more fully.

Wow!! The intense emotion portrayed seems overwhelming. God not only has feelings but He expresses them and uses them in dealing with those He so deeply loves - which includes you and me.

Here is my present understanding of Psalm 29.

Psalm 29
1-2. A poem song written by David. Come join the Father, O Mighty Son. Receive honor and splendor in secured majesty.
Let all worship Him Who is magnificent in this sacred unified oneness.
3. The sounds of the Creator's life copiously flowing out tumbles and crashes in abundance as it increases and expands.
4. The powerful, vigorous sounds of God swell majestically.
5 - 6. The life-giving vibrations of the Creator burst all boundaries as it flow into hearts with a cohesive attraction that causes those receiving it to spring into life, frisking about in joy.

God's sounds prevail even in hearts of children and leaders.
7-8. The Lord's sounds cut like a shining blade in vibration, causing those specially chosen of God and dedicated to Him to dance and whirl in praise.
9. The sounds of the Self-Existent One causes even leading women to dance, like spinning out honey from the comb. Those in God's presence are made capable of describing His real character.
10. The Eternal Father and Son unite together in overflowing pomp as They ascend the throne to reign for ever.
11. The Self-Existent One will make secure all who choose to become part of His family.

The Eternal God will serve and adore His family, keeping them joyful in His peace.

God keeps giving glimpses of His plans for those who love Him. He keeps encouraging us to keep our eyes focused on the ultimate Peace His has in store for us as well as the present 'peace' experiences He loves to give us along the path to that future life fully in Peace and harmony with Him.

May you experience more of His peace in your heart even today.

Bringer of Peace

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Attacks on Peace

What a day! From attempting to encourage my friend to directing the movers where to put my friends furniture and other goods in her new place to having a delicious dinner preparatory to getting chewed out for various alleged misdemeanors over who knows how long a length of time.
Well, that last one may be a play on words but for a while it still felt that way. It seemed to me that my motives were totally suspect, my words were much misunderstood and my actions didn't seem to be comprehended. I was compared to a number of people I know who don't have a very good reputation for doing things properly, for being stubbern, for not cooperating, etc.
After that situation seemed to calm down I was still trying to analyze what had really happened.
I have come to one conclusion. The devil was after me.

Having said that may I hasten to add that God is not only coming after me but He is also in front of me and surrounding me. I have not always fully understood what He is doing in my life but I know I am choosing to have Him in full control of me.

It wasn't the people who were saying the words that were really after me. The Bible says we don't fight against 'flesh and blood', but rather against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I am so thankful that God keeps reminding me that not only are my human friends and others not my enemies but that He, God, has already defeated 'our' enemy.

I am tired this evening so will close with the following thought. May the God of peace keep you in His love.

Bringer of Peace

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Peace in Time

What a blessed day. Yesterday was one busy day. Today - ahh - is the blessedness of God's wonderful Sabbath rest. Yes, today I can set aside - by divine permission and encouragement - all my concerns, all my frustrations, all my cares and even all my exertions. Today I have the extra time (by removing the 'all' list mentioned above) to focus on my wonderful Creator Lover. Wow!
And that effort to focus more fully on my loving Father in heaven for a whole day not only gives me JOY but strength comes as well (the Joy of the Lord is your strength).
This seventh- day of the week, called Sabbath by my Creator, I have spent some time focusing particularly on Psalm 28. It was like a love letter to me.
I'm putting it on my paraphrase site but it is so good I'm going to share it here also.

1. Written by David. I earnestly address You by name, O Self-Existent One (who is also my refuge). Don't ignore me or leave me alone. If you don't listen to me I will become like those who fall into a prison like pit.
2. Listen carefully to my earnest petitions to You to free me from trouble as I lift my open hands toward Your holy place showing my earnest desire for Your direction in my life.
3. Don't allow me to closely associate with those who work to cause trouble. Outwardly they act and talk friendly to people while inwardly they plan mischief and evil against them.
4 -5. Give these people who try to spoil and hurt others what they deserve. Because they don't accept the Creator's authority may He disconnect His life from them and let them die.
6. I kneel and adore the Creator because He has intelligently listened to me.
7. Trusting the Lord who surrounds and protects me makes me jump for joy, sing and raise my hands to Him in loving worship.
8. The same, majestic, Self-Existent One who frees and protects us also fortifies and defends Messiah.
9. Keep safe those who trust You and speak good to those who accept your authority. Take care of them and bring them into your loving presence forever.

I suppose it has special meaning to me due in part to the immediate situation in my life which is how m heavenly Lover often speaks to me - directing me to something in the Bible that is applicable to the situation I am currently in.

During the remaining hours of this 'Peace in Time' seventh day Sabbath I plan to take in more of the JOY of the Lord which is my strengh and bathe more in His Peace which passes all understanding. If anyone reading this has not already experienced this tremendous blessing which the Bible calls Sabbath I invite you too. It is definitely worth your efforts.

Bringer of Peace

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Excitement is mounting

Another friend of mine in another state has recently been moving. On her blog site she has shared some of the excitement of preparing for that move.

As mentioned earlier I have been helping a friend near by get ready to move. Tomorrow is one of the big days for her. Due to some complexities there is more than one 'moving' day which has made this move rather interesting. I think because of some legal ramifications it has almost been difficult for my friend to 'believe' in some respects that she is being set free. Today, however, I believe it has begun to 'soak in' more. We were both tired by the end of the day but when I ran out of boxes to pack she was talking more and more about her excitement that this move was finally going to happen. I am happy for her too - even if I am tired as well.

I wonder if that might be how it has been in the past between Jesus and myself. Have the problems of this life so got me discouraged that I have forgotten the excitement of getting ready to move 'home' to be with Jesus REAL soon?

Something to think about.

Bringer of Peace

P.S. I'm not sure when I will get back to blogging but hopefully, when I do, it will be with GOOD and exciting news.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Countdown to moving

Sometimes outward peace can be greatly enhanced by removing from yourself from certain circumstances. The Lord has been enabling my friend to be able to do that. Tomorrow is the last full day for packing. Whew! the 'to do' list has been slowly getting smaller but it isn't finished yet.
Last evening I took a short 'nap' and then seemed wide awake. I talked to the Lord for a while claiming promises for my friend. Here are a few promises from God I claimed for my friend as well as some other folks dear to me. Put your name in the place of 'my friend' and this prayer can be your prayer as well.
A Prayer particularly for my friend
With my friend's Creator as her Light, the source of her happiness and her Deliverer, can anyone make her nervous? So long as the Creator defends my friend, can anyone surprise or outwit her? When the person who was against my friend tried to control my riend because of jealousy of my friend and attempted to cut down her productiveness and reduce her joy, that person faltered and failed. Though this person tried to wear my friend down, my friend did not accept that authority. Even though they fought against my friend, she kept meditating on God.
My made a special request to God and has kept asking for it. She longs to have as intimate relationship with her Creator as a loving couple has in marriage. She wants this kind of relationship with God all the rest of her life so she can continue to contemplate with pleasure the beauty of the Lord and admire, care for and consider Him where He lives.
When bad or evil times come God will protect my friend in His home. He will cover and hide her, giving refuge to her as though she were on a cliff high above those against her. In response to my friend being close to God, her Lover, high above those who hate her, she will shout and sing jubilee praises in the Creator's home. she will sing, even accompanied by musical instruments, in celebration of her Creator's love covenant with her.
Lord, my friend addresses You reverently by Name, please favorably respond to her. You long for her to see even more truth about You and Her response is "I will continue to look at You, my Lover." Don't turn away from my friend, even if You do get upset with her. You are her only help. Don't let her go, or break Your covenant with my friend, for You, God, are the One who truly sets her free.

When my friend's father and mother released her when she got married, so the Self-Existent One will take her to Himself as in marriage to complete their love covenant. Creator God, show my friend (like pointing your finger in the right way) where You want her to go and guide her in pleasant, prosperous ways - particularly since my friend's enemy has betrayed her and changed to being hostile toward my friend. Don't allow this person to have her way against my friend, for she has cheated and lied against my friend and has even been violent at times. My friend has chosen to trust her divine Lover and to see His beauty while she is still alive.
To anyone who reads this, stay connected and united to the Creator God and He will keep you alert mentally and physically. Be sure to stay connected to the Creator, Your lover.

May God's peace be inside you today. Remember, you are special.

Bringer of Peace

(This prayer is a personalized version of Psalm 27)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Moving Day - Almost

As some may know I have been helping a lady get ready to move. There have been a lot of legal activities involved with the situation which has made the 'move' far more interesting and, may I say unique, than I think I would want for the average (over the years I have helped many people move). On the other hand, I have been learning many things during this preparation time to move my friend that I most likely would not have learned in most other moving situations.
Because of legalities we couldn't start putting things into boxes and closinog the boxes until after there had been a legal inspection. The other party involved has been, may I suggest, afraid (to the point of almost paranoid) first of all that my friend would not really move out and then when she began to see signs of getting ready to move she expressed 'fear' that my friend was stealing - thus the reason for the inspection before we could begin packing.
That is all in the past now and we have been packing. Another interesting part of this situation is that even though my friend is supposed to be leaving (and we are doing all in our power to make that happen on the appointed day) there has been a constant concern that the other party will attempt to cause damage and then blame my friend so as to 'collect' for the damages.
I have had the advantage of being able to 'leave' the situation and go home for the evening.
My friend still lives there every day so the stress level for her has been much higher. At times the tension has mounted and the effects of that kind of tension have been felt.

Yet, through this whole experience there has been flowing through both of us a sense of God's guidance in very special ways. I haven't always perceived full peace - mainly because I haven't always ascertained God's will quick enough in certain situations - yet over and over again God's guidance has been seen and His peace - and joy - experienced by both of us.

Just last week there were some more legal matters that needed attention. My friend looked at me and asked if I could give her just one good reason why this particular response from her was needed as it seemed to be a repeat of something she had already done before. My mind drew a complete blank and I told her so. Nonetheless I began typing a response as she gave details. About a third of the way through that process the answer to her question suddenly became very clear to me and I shared it with her. Her comments to this legal situation were enabling her to reveal the truth about particulars that had been withheld up to this point. When she saw that her whole attitude changed. And when we finished her comments some time later she made the comment that she felt as though she had been set free - liberated. (I agreed with her.)

A little bit later we were doing some cleaning in the basement and I came up (for some fresh air) and gave her another reason I believe the Lord was getting her out of this place. The basement was full of mold and even though she has not been using the basement that atmosphere does affect the whole house and may even possibly been partial cause for some of her health problems.

Then a third reason was revealed to us about God's leading in this move. This one, to me anyway, was a biggie. The person who 'owns' the property was not able to add my friend's name to the property ownership at the time of purchase. At first this seemed to be a disadvantage. But then we found out that the owner has refinanced the property and maxed out what was able to be gotten from the value. As we were discussing this development I pointed out that when my friend leaves in a few days she will not owe anything due to the fact that her name was not on any of the papers. And particularly since this person has become hostile toward my friend this is very good so when my friend walks away she will not carry with her financial obligations.

These points mentioned above are blessings and they have been nice when discovered by us. I thank the Lord for His goodness to my friend. And even though I am not personally 'moving' somehow I have been able to 'share' in some of the joy and peace that the Lord has been giving to my friend.

We are looking forward to 'moving' day. I've not yet got everything packed - but I'm working on it. It has been and is and will be a lot of work. Yet, when the door is shut on the house my friend is leaving and the keys are given to the lawyer I sense there will be a deeper sense of peace than what we have even previously experienced. Yes, the new place needs to be arranged and there is lots and lots of unpacking to be done (especially with the unusual way things had to be packed in the first place) and lots of littles will need to be addressed, but through it all there will be a freedom that my friend has not had since she got into the present situation. She has had an inner peace through her connection with our heavenly Father, but she is looking forward to a renewal of some peace in her living setup that has long been missing.

A move can be stressful and usually is in one way or another. This time, however, I think the move will be one way to reduce stress as well, praise the Lord, and bring more peace. That is my prayer.

Maiden, Bringer of Peace

Monday, October 22, 2007

Words from the Prince of Peace

There are some words in the Bible that just can't be construed to be 'peace' or 'peaceful'.
One of Jesus' names is Prince of Peace and an incomplete picture of what God is like might lead a person to believe that just because Jesus is called the Prince of Peace that must mean there is only Peace around Him.

That is the ultimate goal, Yes! But there is also another reality. Someone chose to become an enemy to the Prince of Peace. And one of this enemy's concepts is that if God says it or said it then in order to not be in agreement with the Prince of Peace that concept must be, has to be changed in some way, shape or form - otherwise the enemy and Jesus would be agreeing.

Have you ever met someone that seems to think that way?

Anyway, Jesus knew about that this challenge. Therefore He gave all who choose to belong to Him a weapon that would protect them from this problem.

Jesus gave to human beings the Written Word - we now call the Bible.

When Jesus became a human being He used that weapon against Satan - His arch enemy.

When Jesus returned to heaven He left His written Word, the Bible, with His human family so that they too could have that weapon against Satan.

There are many promises dealing with peace for those who choose to love God.

There are also some rather strong statements from God that don't sound very peaceful to those who choose any will other than God's will for their lives.

That statement is the key. When a person chooses God's will God promises to give an inner peace that is beyond explaination. But when a person chooses any other will outside of God's will that gives Satan 'room' to bring in all other kinds of situations that don't always seem 'peaceful'.

Even in the life of a person who has chosen God's will there come situations that don't seem
peaceful at the moment.

Psalm 27 deals with some of those scenarios.

If you are interested in reading my perceptions of Psalm 27 just click on the link to the right of this blog.

Those words have become so meaningful to me in some recent situations and I thank the Prince of Peace for helping me to focus on the real source of Peace - Him and my love relation to Him.

Bringer of Peace

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Choices creating heart Peace

I have been unpacking Psalm 26. That Psalm has a lot of information on making choices that will lead to God's kind of peace in one's heart. It is posted on the paraphrase link if you are interested in reading my present understanding of its meaning.

Bringer of Peace

Choice to have Peace

Yesterday was interesting at best. My friend that I have been helping has had some very real concerns about the upcoming move she will be making soon. There are many details that still seem almost frightening to her at times. The person who turned against her first of all was fearful that my friend would not move and now that she is 'moving' the person is afraid that my friend will steal things. (That is definitely one effect of not having real peace in a person's heart.) But yesterday, as we were working in the home office, my friend got a call from the people she will be leasing from. She came to find out the the wife was also an artist (as is my friend) and that was one thing that attracted them to the house where my friend will be moving into as well. They had moved from the house because they wanted more acerage than this place afforded. But for one person the house will be fine. I really felt that God had this phone call come at just this time as an encouragement to my friend that God is still in control even though there still seem to be 'threats' to disrupt this detatchment process.

As I watched as well as participated in various events yesterday I realized that in my life also I have to make choices as to whether I will accept God's peace in my heart (which is not dependent on externals even if outside events seem to be dictating otherwise) or allow external circumstances to dictate how I will 'feel' - my conditions for peace.

We are in a drought in our area. The well on our farm, to my knowledge, has never 'stayed' dry. It hasn't yet gone totally dry now but there does not seem to be enough water for the pump to fill the pressure tank and keep it full. We have been turning the pump on only when we really need water and so far we are thus managing for drinking and bathroom needs. (We are presently doing laundry elsewhere though.) It has been a challenge in ways but somehow I believe that even this experience reveals whether or not it is God's peace I have in my heart or a substitute termed 'peace' where no 'current' events are happening to upset a person.

What kind of peace do I have today?

Bringer of Peace


Monday, October 15, 2007

Prayer for Peace

It seems that the pace slowed down a tiny bit. Perhaps it may have been in part because I have had a cold and couldn't keep going as much. Then when I seemed to be doing better my dear hubby got some of the symptoms. He has had more runny nose than I did - I don't envy him.

Anyway, during some of this time I have been working on Psalm 25. A fascinating way of looking at Psalm 22 - 25 seems to be emerging in my thinking. Take it for what it is worth to you.

Psalm 22 was a prophecy of what was happening in Jesus' mind as he was on the cross - giving us a little insight as to the temptations Jesus faced. To begin with Jesus asked the question - "Have you forsaken me?" (Not 'why' because in verse 11 Jesus asks God not to forsake Him indicating God had not forsaken Jesus.)

Psalm 23 is an affirmation of the unity and care of God - first of all for Jesus when He lived as a human on this earth, and then for all who accept that Jesus has already saved them from sin -missing God's plan for them.

Psalm 24 includes the triumphal reentry of Jesus back to heaven in glory and honor because He not only redeemed human beings from the slavery to Satan but He revealed how - by connection to the Prince of Peace (Himself) - they too can live at peace with God and each other.

Psalm 25 seems to be a prayer - personal, intimate and passionate - deep from David's heart (and can be from mine also) to have that same oneness, that same unity, that same intimacy with God the Father as Jesus had when He lived as a human being here on earth.

Praise God, He is in the business of answering that kind of prayer.

Bringer of Peace

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Leading to Peace

God's plan for me was and is that I 'stay' in His peace. But because of choices I've made to 'disconnect' from God's will for me I have not always 'been in peace' - God's peace.

This morning I have been unpacking Psalm 25. The first few verses have been giving me thoughts along this topic.

I come close to You, Creator God. 2. I find refuge in You - Almighty and Supreme. Don't let me pale in embarrassment and don't let those who hate me gloat over me. 3. Don't let anyone who is connected to you be embarrassed. Rather, let them be embarrassed who cover up their wrongs. 4. Enable me to KNOW Your course of life for me and entice me with Your incentives to keep me in Your will, O Self-Existent One.

God is in the business of drawing me closer and closer to Him. This, of course, draws me closer to His will, including His Peace in me.

Today is special for me. I have the privilege of laying aside my everyday cares, concerns and even work to spend special time with the Creator God of the Universe by His express request. It still seems awesome to me that God should be so interested in me personally to give me such an invitation, but I'm very happy to take it and definitely profit by my special time with Him.

Feel free to join me, for the invitation has been personally extended to you as well.

May God give you His peace in a very special way today - God's seventh-day Sabbath.

Bringer of Peace

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Heart Peace

The only real peace is that which is in one's heart. The word is used otherwise, such as a peaceful scene, peace on earth, etc. but true peace comes from the inside. That is why when Jesus said 'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you', He added 'let not your heart be troubled'.

Circumstances and experiences can lead one to understand true peace better but they do not either give peace or take it away.

The real basis for true peace comes from 'who I know'. One of Jesus' other names is Prince of Peace. Yet just being 'around' Jesus does not assure me of Peace. Judas spend somewhere around 3 years in close connection with Jesus but he sure didn't end up with true peace.

This morning I read the illustration of a graft. Until the branch that is being grafted in to the root stalk fully connects to the point where the sap and nutrition from the roots begin to flow into it, it may still be 'bound' to the root stalk but the connection is 'useless'.

So it is with me. I may talk about Jesus, I may study about Jesus, I may even 'act' like Jesus, but until I receive a constant flow of nourishment from Jesus, I don't have His peace - and JOY!

I'm learning.

May the God of Peace continue to teach you how to get that 'living' connection into His peace.

Bringer of Peace.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Word picture of a Peace based relationship

One of my early recollections is learning to say Psalm 23 from a very pretty poster. My mother had one for Psalm 23, Psalm 1 and the Ten Commandments. (There may have been others but those are the ones I remember.)
I remembered learning them but I couldn't recall them in later years by memory (until I learned them to music which seems to do a much better job of recall).

Anyway, as I have mentioned before, I have been 'unpacking' portions of scripture using the Bible and Strong's concordance and asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom to the meaning for me.

Psalm 22 was much longer and took quite a bit of time. This weekend I put Psalm 22 into my own words and posted it on the paraphrase site. Today I decided to 'review' Psalm 23, even though it was much more familiar to me.

There may not have been as many surprises because I was more aquainted with it but I still found it very interesting. Since it is short I am including it here as well as in the paraphrases link.

Somehow I like that word 'celebration' to describe the sentiments of this scripture. May God's peace flow in to your heart as you partake of His spirit in a deeper way while reading Psalm 23.

Bringer of Peace

A musical celebration using voice and instrument, written by David.
Since I am being taken care of by the Self-Existent One, I lack nothing. He leads me to repose and rest in lovely, beautiful places: He enables me to run with a sparkle upwards to peaceful refreshment. He restores my vitality: He conducts me with delight to prosperous areas because of who He is and because He is paying attention to me. Even when I experience calamity, I won't be afraid of being broken for You are with me - You guide, protect and console me. You take care of me, even in the presence of those who are against me. You satisfy me with more than enough. Joyful favor and beautiful kindness will revive and refresh me and I will be permanently married into the family of God.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Psalm 22

I have been 'unpacking' Psalm 22 for some time now. When I get to the end of a chapter it always seems as though I have never really 'seen' it before. The same is true of this Psalm.

For anyone interested in my present understanding go to the paraphrase link on the side and click on Psalm 22

Good day

A new Week

Another week, another opportunity to grow in Jesus who is the Prince of Peace.
I managed to get to my children's class at church this weekend. I didn't really 'feel' ready but I was determined to do the best I could which I did. God was merciful and due to an unforseen set of circumstances the church didn't have water. It was decided, mainly for the children's sake, that church would be held early and people could go home early.
We had about a 15 minute class during which I attempted to 'sing' one song :(
Fortunately the children 'knew' the song pretty good and were able to follow the pictures.
So, after another short 'spoken' presentation with pictures, we went for church.

After church it was found out the some 'points' in the pump system were burned. By next week everything should be 'working' and I hope my voice will be too.

Before the weekend I had taken a friend shopping. When we arrived at the checkout it was discovered that her purse had been stolen - including a brand new credit card. She was in tears (I don't blame her) and we ended up just going home so she could report the theft as soon as possible. Later in the evening, when my husband found out what had happened he suggested to go back and pay for her groceries for her. When she realized what he had done she was again in tears but this time for joy.

Since we were on our way to our son's 21st birthday celebration we couldn't stay around long. The next day, however, when she called me, she thanked us again and told me that we had helped restore her faith in God - Praise the Lord.

Somehow, that kind of an appreciation gives an inner peace, knowing we have helped the Lord.

Yet, through all of this and much more, the Lord is showing how to stay in His peace.

May you learn more of God's peace and experience more of it as well.

Bringer of Peace

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Peace of mind

Monday is past. This is one time I am really glad that is true. As mentioned earlier I have been helping a lady friend who was sued by another person. This Monday the lawyers came and the other lady went through my friends place. She has been 'fearful' that my friend is 'stealing' her stuff. To prepare for this 'Monday' we separated my friend's things from the other lady's things. On Monday everyone watched as the other lady 'went through' my friend's things. If it hadn't been so serious it was at times funny - or maybe better put, pathetic. She took a dust pan and broom. She wanted my friend's turkey forks. There were many other smaller items she pulled out, indicating that she considered them her property. My friend also got to go through and indicate if there were any items she considered were hers. After that was over then the 'two sides' went back and forth on the 'contested' items. I haven't heard the final 'report' from today but I am hoping that most, if not all of the items, are taken care of so we can 'move on'

One lady who was writing the contested list item made the comment to me that it was like a couple of little kids. I agree with one exception. I think one of the 'kids' was very much a bully.

Previous to this - beginning maybe 6-7 years ago - this person had begged my friend to be her 'mother'. My friend had gradually laid aside her various means of support to help this lady and get her set up in business. But then, when the business was going good, suddenly the other person wanted nothing more to do with my friend, to the point of trying to evict her out on the street. It didn't work quite that way, but at this point in time there seems to be an out of court agreement and Monday's activities was an attempt at bringing 'a closing' to this nasty turn of events so my friend can 'move on' with her life as a writer and an artist.

My friend has signed a lease for another place to live. We have 'separated' her things and hopefully we will SOON get them packed and to the new location as soon as possible, now that it seems that the other side has agreed to the 'separations'.

But all of this has taken a toll. I guess I was pushing hard to get everything separated by Monday. Now that Monday is past I have sort of just been in neutral. For the past couple of weeks I have been struggling with a sore throat and laryngitis and I have got to slow down for at least a little while before we get to the 'final' move to get my friend into her new place.

Yet for all of the above I have a peace in my mind and heart that what we did was the best that could be done under the circumstances. I'm thankful, very thankful, for one shining attribute of my friend. She appreciates my help. We have had a few disagreements on 'technique', you might say. Yet, many times, even after I have left for the day she will call me to make sure I knows that she appreciates what I did to help her. I think that is one thing that has caused me to want to go the second mile for her.

Some other folks we have been trying to help recently, or so it comes across to me anyway, seem to almost consider that they are doing us a favor when we help them. I don't think they think that but the way they act seems that way at times.

We have been trying to 'juggle' space in the house next door. One lady has been living on a porch for a couple of years. She wants an inside room and I think we finally have one available. Yet, somehow, we have almost perceived the feeling that she believes she deserves it rather than what I have considered a job and a half to try to work things out so she could have it. (That does sound like maybe I have an attitude problem as well. I'm working on it.)

Back to this 'peace of mind' thought. I know God gives Peace. I also believe others can assist in giving peace. Lastly, it is up to me to decided what kind of peace I will 'have'.

May the peace of God flood your heart and life just now. Hey, just the fact that you have read this means you are special. Peace to you.

Bringer of Peace

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Joy and Peace in Believing

For over two weeks now it seems that the intensity surround me has been increasing. That may or may not be of value. On the other hand, however, I have been having less energy. My voice comes and goes on a regular basis. Sometimes I can talk almost normally and other times I communicate on 'whisper' level. That has seemed to be a blessing on at least one occasion. I was talking to a salesman about a 'remnant' piece of rug - in a whisper. To make a long story short he ended up selling it to us for about 50% off. I wondered if he felt sorry for me but I didn't mind. This weekend I about hit bottom though and didn't go much of anywhere except dreamland, if you call that 'going'.

Tomorrow the lady I have been helping who has been involved in a lawsuit will have an official inspection. The lady who was suing her has accused her of taking things while at the same time it has been quite obvious that the lady knows a lot about doing just that - taking things from my friend. Anyway, one of the conditions of settling out of court was that this lady could inspect my friend's belongings before she packs to leave. (quite an interesting way to 'pack') Anyway, one blessing is that taking all this time to sort - one pile for my friend and another pile for the other lady - should make it much easier when we do pack.

That is only one area of my life at the present.

Another challenge has been that I normally teach children on the weekend. With little or no voice that has been almost impossible. Last weekend, for some reason, there were almost no children. An older lady friend stepped in and taught the children. I haven't yet heard what happened this week but I know I couldn't have done it anyway.

A few of you who read this have been at our farm. At the beginning of this year a couple lived in a four room apartment in the upstairs of a big house. They chose to move to Tennessee in April. A while later the thought came to me that maybe I could use some of the apartment for an office for my ministry called "Passport to Life". I have been able to get the majority of my things set up in two rooms.

But in the meantime we have been needing at least one more room. To make a long story short I did get two rooms but the apartment kitchen and one bedroom we have let a lady who lives here 'take over'. The room where she was in was at the head of the stairs. Another lady has been living in an impromptu bedroom on a porch. We are giving her the room at the top of the stairs as a 'permanent' bedroom. In order to do that we needed to empty that room of the furniture.
Oh my, my rooms have more than their share of things for now. I hope to get my rooms in shape some time soon. My oldest sister some time might be able to help me. But whether or not she is able to come and help me I keep 'hoping against hope' and keep on keeping on.

So how does all of this deal with JOY and PEACE? One reason is that each time God brings me through one of the above experiences I am also experiencing His JOY and His PEACE as He 'grows me up' into the way He would act.

As I believe that God loves me, believes that He wants what is best for me, then I am filled with His Spirit and His JOY and PEACE become mine.

Accept those gifts from the God of JOY today

Bringer of Peace

Friday, September 21, 2007

A choice - Peace or Fear

During the past several days I have been studying Psalm 21.

Here is my present understanding of it for any who wish to read it.

1. For the superintendent of Music, a celebration song written by David for both instrument and voice. The king delights in how strong You are, Creator God. Your victories animate him to sing and dance with intense joy. 2. You have given him his deepest longings, not even denying his spoken desire to unite with You as intimately as in a marriage relationship. (Meditate) 3. You hasten to benefit him with your goodness. You place on his head a crown of pure gold. 4. He asked to live in You and You gave him Your own eternal life. 5. The king's great splendor, grandeur and magnificence is the result of You setting him free and placing him in that position. 6. You placed him there to adore and speak good of God, thus revealing His character. You have given him intense JOY as You have looked upon him. 7. The king is confident in the Creator God and while bowing in respect before the Supreme God he will not waver. 8. You will also appear to those who hate you. They too will experience your strength. 9. Your presence and full power will be to them destructive - as fire. The Self-Existent One's breath (His life) is so powerfull that, like fire, it will consume them. 10. Even their families will cease - with no offspring. 11. They schemed evil plots against You, but couldn't carry out their plans. 12. You will eventually allow them to receive the full consequences of their choices by turning your life giving gaze away from them, leaving them lifeless. 13. Creator God, Your ways are high above the way we think and act. You are strong in Yourself. We will sing and make music about Your victory.