I use this site for occasional life updates as well as my thoughts on peace and joy so here goes for some recent 'going ons'.
The end of October was a closing and a new beginning in more ways than one. For the friend that I have been helping, October 30 closed the history in her life on a very rocky, at times intensely troubling, experience. Once the legal 'struggle' seemed over and she left the 'scene' of so much heartache and turmoil, there has been quite a change in her - at least from my view. She no longer lives in the same dwelling as her betrayer. She no longer has to be reminded constantly of the abuse she suffered for years from the person who had previously begged for the privilege of calling her 'mother'. Yes, for her there has been a returning of peace.
There have still been some tense times. Memories still pop up now and then. She was sorting some of her books the other day when she came across some cards the other person had sent to her expressing supposedly strong sentiments of love and appreciation to my friend as 'her mother'. Her first response was one of disgust and almost fear. But then, after a couple of moments, she even chuckled and suggested sending the cards back to this person to remind them of what they had done. (?)
She still also feels occasionally that she is being 'stalked'. Yesterday she thought she heard the front door open. When she got there the door was open and her dogs were out. When she went outside a man was standing across the road next to a blue truck (similar to the truck of the man who had worked for the other lady). She got the dogs back into the house in a panic. After she had calmed a bit she called and told me what had happened. [I don't have the answer but I'm thankful the situation ended as good as it did.]
There have also been stresses relating to my friend's 17 year old cat finally dying. My hubby and I went over and helped her with the 'final rites' details. [We wrapped the body in a purple cloth and took it to its final resting place in the upper corner of the yard.]
And of course there has been a certain amount of stress as well in unpacking and organizing my friend's things in the new place. (Some boxes had been in storage for years so the process has been very interesting as well as at time memory jogging.) But these tensions seem almost nothing compared to before October 30.
But this year's Thanksgiving, above all other recent events, (at least in my mind) has for her in particular been almost like a 'right of passage'. She loves holidays. She has shared with us, over the past year and a half, many new ways of 'doing things' for holidays. Even last year she did all she could to make Thanksgiving as 'thankfilled' as possible even under her stressful condition.
But this year she was 'free'. This year she had her own place. This year she wanted those to be with her who helped her get to the present state of freedom. And toward that goal she put every energy she had (and some I didn't even know she had it seemed).
The meal was quite a spread. The atmosphere in her new place is spacious, light and to me friendly. And even though not everything is unpacked yet and where they will belong, we had been able to get the main parts of the house 'guest worthy'. And as I watched my friend I felt thankful that I had been able to help her in getting 'freed' from the oppression she had been in.
"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free"
Sadly enough, some truth is not pleasant. My friend had for years tried to help the person who betrayed her and in a sense she had believed lies that had gotten her into the situation in the first place. But now my friend is free and I praise the Lord.
There are other life events for which I am also thankful. We have been able to get a few things done at the farm recently as well. One lady had lost her house several years ago. The only place we had at that time as on our front porch. This past April a couple who had been living here moved to Tennessee. It has taken time but we were finally able to help this lady moved from the porch to an upstairs bedroom. She seems the happiest that she has been for a long time. (I also hope the happiness continues.)
This next statement is not a thanksgiving so much but rather a 'promise' to myself. I am praying and determining that by the grace and help of God I can now get my own house in order. I feel as though I have left what I needed to do in my own place to help elsewhere - my friend as well as others. Now I choose to focus on my own home which desperately needs my help NOW!
Perhaps those who read this will add their prayers to my determination that what I NEED to do at home will no longer be left 'by the way'. Thanks in advance for your encouragements.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
We'll look for the progress on your home. As you have shared with others, perhaps someone(s) will assist with your task.
Love, Linda
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