I have been looking at Psalm 30. The whole Psalm has been very interesting but one section in particular seems applicable to some current situations.
5 For his anger [endureth but] a moment; in his favour [is] life: weeping may endure, for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
6 In my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved.
7 LORD, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong: . . . . KJV
Looking back on the past few weeks and particularly days while helping my friend move I have sensed at times some intense frustrations and anxieties. My friend had often told me that when she had moved into the now contested house she and the other person had strongly indicated that neither one would have to move again. That, of course, has been proven incorrect. Yet, the very act of moving, at least for my friend, has brought more peace to her life. She has been very busy getting settled in her new place and for a few days she has the help of a business friend, but to me it seems that she has been less anxious overall. Hopefully the stress that she had been living under has been removed. The other party tried to contact my friend by sending certified mail to our place but since my friend doesn't live here it was returned undeliverable. (If she wants to correctly contact my friend she can still do it through the lawyers.)]
There have also been other situations in my sphere that have attempted to disrupt peace. One of them happened yesterday when one lady living at our place was very unhappy that our oven was broken. She finally recommended taking the stove out of her kitchen area and putting it in our kitchen. Her kitchen does not yet have 220 electric power so we finally agreed to move the stove to our kitchen. It has been nice to have an oven back for our use as well as her baking.
Our water system has not been working properly for some weeks. We at first thought that, because of the drought, our well was going dry. Yesterday we opened the well for a visual inspection. We measured and found that there was probably from 12-15 feet of water in the large bore well. Next we pulled the pipes up. That revealed a foot valve in rather sorry condition. We might have been able to get it all back together last night but due to a connection that had to be cut rather than taken apart we need at least one more part which we hope to be able to get today and get the system back into working order this evening. If all goes well we hope to have water real soon - maybe even tonight. Since we are used to having running water at out fingertips - toilet, washing clothes, washing dishes, showers, etc. it has been very interesting to see how different ones cope. Several folks belong to a fitness club so they have been going there for showers. My friend had let me wash our clothes at her place, at least until she moved. (We are not bothering her for a few days to let her get settled in.) We do have some rain water to flush toilets with and a few other odd jobs. If push comes to shove we also have a hand pump on a smaller well that we can use for non-consumption uses.
All of these situations are simply revealing to us and others whether our peace is from within or if it is based on circumstances sort of like Psalm 30 mentions: 6 In my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved.
Do I see these situations as attacks on peace? Or might they also be opportunities to look to my loving Heavenly Father and ask Him to show me and enable me to act just like Him. I believe I have been learning the second experience for which I thank God.
I have put my paraphrase of Psalm 30 on the paraphrase link - listed to the right - if anyone is interested.
Now the God of Peace bring you into a unity of peace with Him is my prayer.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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