Many years ago when I was in taking classes in the field of elementary education I was in a singing group that learned to sing portions of scripture. (I have since collected many scripture songs as a personal hobby.) These scripture songs have been a tremendous blessing to me over the years. A number of them I learned while in that group were chapters from the Psalms.
More recently I began taking time to 'paraphrase' individual' chapters in the Psalms after looking up the meanings of words from Strong's concordance and asking the Holy Spirit to enable me to see the original meaning. That has been a very fascinating adventure. (Anyone interested in my present understanding of chapters I have already done just click on the 'paraphrase' link.)
While I have been working on some of the Psalms it seems that the Lord has been coordinating my life experiences to bring out what I learn from a Psalm (or maybe the other way around, I am not always sure).
Presently I have been working on Psalm 29 which is one of the Psalms I had learned to sing way back when. It has nice poetic sounds - I guess that is the proper way to say it - in the King James Version that I had memorized to music. On the other hand I don't think I really had much of an idea what David was attempting to say. Then I began to 'unpack' it - look up the meanings of the words while asking the Holy Spirit to guide me into understanding it more fully.
Wow!! The intense emotion portrayed seems overwhelming. God not only has feelings but He expresses them and uses them in dealing with those He so deeply loves - which includes you and me.
Here is my present understanding of Psalm 29.
Psalm 29
1-2. A poem song written by David. Come join the Father, O Mighty Son. Receive honor and splendor in secured majesty.
Let all worship Him Who is magnificent in this sacred unified oneness.
3. The sounds of the Creator's life copiously flowing out tumbles and crashes in abundance as it increases and expands.
4. The powerful, vigorous sounds of God swell majestically.
5 - 6. The life-giving vibrations of the Creator burst all boundaries as it flow into hearts with a cohesive attraction that causes those receiving it to spring into life, frisking about in joy.
God's sounds prevail even in hearts of children and leaders.
7-8. The Lord's sounds cut like a shining blade in vibration, causing those specially chosen of God and dedicated to Him to dance and whirl in praise.
9. The sounds of the Self-Existent One causes even leading women to dance, like spinning out honey from the comb. Those in God's presence are made capable of describing His real character.
10. The Eternal Father and Son unite together in overflowing pomp as They ascend the throne to reign for ever.
11. The Self-Existent One will make secure all who choose to become part of His family.
The Eternal God will serve and adore His family, keeping them joyful in His peace.
God keeps giving glimpses of His plans for those who love Him. He keeps encouraging us to keep our eyes focused on the ultimate Peace His has in store for us as well as the present 'peace' experiences He loves to give us along the path to that future life fully in Peace and harmony with Him.
May you experience more of His peace in your heart even today.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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