For the last several days I have been focusing on Psalm 32. Several verses from that Psalm I had learned to sing. I thought I had a pretty good idea of the content, until, (which is getting common lately) I began to really 'unpack' it. I have posted it at the paraphrase blog listed on the right. I'm also going to put it here with a few additional comments of my own interspersed.
Psalm 32
1. A teaching poem written by David. Happiness and right! Quarrels, revolt, and apostasy lifted; misses filled up and offenses covered. Sounds to me like a celebration going on here.
2. Happy the person who the Creator doesn't demand 'pay' for crooked, evil actions and when one's own attitude is not treacherous or deceptive.
3 - 4. When I ignored or fabricated excuses for my wrong attitudes and/or actions, my body wore out and became weak from guilt I carried all the time. Day and night Your Spirit worked so intensely on me that my vigor dried up like dry, cracked ground in a summer drought. (pause)
5. I finally saw how I missed Your will for me, and how crooked my ways were and I quit hiding. I said, "I let go of my revolt against the Creator." You lifted the guilt of my crooked ways where I had missed Your will for me. (pause.)
6. This is what those who love God pray for while He is still available - for oftentimes when people have great problems they get so discouraged they no longer reach out to come near to God for themselves. Intercession for others
7. You, my hiding place and cover, will guard me from being crowded by opponents and surround me with exuberant shouts of joy while delivering me, as You say to me: (pause)
8. "I will give you intelligent answers, pointing out My course of life for you to walk. I will guide and advise you with My eye.
9. Don't keep running around but don't become a hermit either. Those kinds of people have to be restrained or else by what they say they often hurt others."
10. Those who do not accept God's plans for them multiply their grief, anguish and pain, but those who run for refuge, with confidence, to the Self-Existent One will be surrounded with kindness and beauty.
11. All you who agree with God be glad, spin around and shout for joy with all your heart, mind and soul - everything you have. Response of those who love God
There is even more to this love passage from God but for now I will go.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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