I have mentioned this before but I have needed reminding of the concept myself so I will share it again. Peace is not a 'stand alone' experience. Something might be 'peace', but without corresponding 'joy' it cannot produce the true effects desired of 'peace'. This is the way our brains are 'wired' so we might as well get used to it and put it into practice.
Some call peace a lack of conflict. Some have labeled an experience peace when nothing is happening that entails an expenditure of 'energy'. Those experiences may well have their place in one's life experience. But real peace produces its true synergistic effect only when 'coupled' with the energization of 'real joy'. I'm not sure yet if one of those two - joy or peace - have to be 'first' or not. I seem to have 'started' with either one at various times. What seems to be more important is that whatever (or wherever) I start it is important to seek out the relating experience to receive the desired 'growing' effect.
One type of situation I have experienced is when I find something exciting in the Bible. A concept sounds so wonderful and produces joy in me as it opens to my understanding. But if I do not apply it to my life, or at times just share what I have learned with someone else, it seems to just 'fade away'. There have also been times when I have found a peace in God's Word and basked in that experience. But again, if I 'stop there', I seem to lose it. When I have gotten excited and shared what I learned with another I profit even more.
Maybe that is one reason the Thanksgiving season can be a real blessing. As we share with others what has blessed us we complete the 'joy/peace' connection thus blessing not only ourselves but others as well.
I trust your Thanksgiving was completed.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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