Psalm 37 begins by telling me not to fret. What does the word 'fret' mean?
Here is what I gleaned from Strong's Hebrew definition.
Fret - glow, blaze up, melt down, show or incite passion,
We are told not to fret about evildoers.
Evildoers - to spoil, breaking in pieces, make good for nothing.
Verse 2 tells us why. 2, For they shall soon (hurry, promptly, be liquid, flow easily,) be cut down
I found it interesting that God is telling me not to 'blaze up' or 'melt down' and the reason why I don't need to do that is because then, or at least it sounds like one of the reasons why is that the evildoers are doing that very thing to themselves and God doesn't want me 'joining them'.
There are many more interesting concepts that are also unfolding in my 'unpacking' of Psalm 37. I'll put it on my paraphrase link when I get a better handle on the whole chapter.
Until then,
Have a peaceful time of the year.
Bringer of peace.
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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