Monday, December 10, 2007

Peace Like a River - 6

God wants my peace from Him to keep flowing in and through and from me. But just as some rivers have certain conditions that cause turbulance so I seem to still find the same in my life.
Today I was asked to help someone. In my mind there were a few things that needed to be done before the requested task could be properly completed so I started on those first. We got one job done and it looked real nice. (Someone had given us several rugs and we had put them in a 'front' room until we had time to 'spread them out'. We had put one of the rugs in a bedroom to help keep the floor more comfortable during the cooler weather. Today we got the second rug laid out in the family room - for those of you who have been here.) The suggestion was made to straighten up the living room so we could put one of the rugs there so I started on that job next. About that time I got the distinct impression that the lady who had asked me to help her and I were no longer on the same 'work list'. She had told me she was going to take care of some boxes on the front porch (she had asked me to put them there earlier for her to use for her animals) but rather she moved some furniture into the living room where I thought we were trying to 'empty' to put down the rug. At first I was tempted to just put them back on the porch -- but then I realized that was just a bit of 'spite' mixed in. About this time when I began to feel 'angry' I asked God to show me why I was feeling the way I was instead of 'putting' all the blame on another. I'm not sure I have all the answers yet but I did feel that God was working with my mind. Some of my reactions, I believe anyway, were ok, but some weren't - yet.
I was able to move a number of other items out of the living room and pretty soon the other lady came back in and wondered why I wasn't 'done' (or so it seemed to me) and ready for the rugs.
Well, about that time I got a call and had to leave for a work assignment away from here. (Maybe that was good timing afterall.) Anyway, I do hope to get the living room back into shape as soon as possible, whether or not I get any help. Sometimes I have a pitty party and think that I do most if not all the work of cleaning up. But then, I realize I did have some help this morning which puts an end to the party - for now. My allowing God to show me what is in my heart causing 'friction' also helps to reduce the 'rapids' caused by underlying sources in the river of peace that God is still pouring into my heart.

After picking up some mail in a nearby town for the other friend I was helping I ended up sharing about what Jesus has been doing in my life with a lady in a store where I stopped to get some information. That kind of activity sure does help to restore the proper flow in the river of peace in my heart.

My hubby was supposed to take a day off before the new year. He may take some extra time off that we weren't planning. He came home this evening with a coat on, built a wood fire and was sitting here feeling as though he were freezing when I got home. He finally went to bed. I hope he is feeling better by morning. I have been so very thankful for the many years that the Lord has blest me with him. In November we celebrated 33 years together for which we are grateful.

Hopefully my oldest sister will be able to spend a few days with us here. She and her husband take bees to Florida during the winter. She is taking a detour to help me for a few days. I'm grateful for whatever help I receive from her in getting our farm back into a good shape.

This past weekend we were able, with the help of a couple of friends, get some of the outside areas picked up. Duane and I took a load of trash to the dump. We started loading some metal 'trash' to take to the recycling place - hopefully this week also (if hubby gets to feeling better, that is). I had been collecting some cardboard also that I hope to be able to dispose of as well.

Until next time I write may I encourage anyone who might read this to look to the source of the river of peace (Jesus) and stay in it's current.

Bringer of Peace

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