This morning I read the following statement that really impacted me - particularly in relation to peace both for me and for others.
Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for His children. He wants our minds to be clear, our tempers sweet, our love unbounding. Then the peace that passeth knowledge will flow from us to bless all with whom we come in contact. The atmosphere surrounding our souls will be refreshing. (Quoted from a book called Sons and Daughters of God page. 348)
I can be privileged to receive God's peace and then allow it to flow out from me to others in blessing - revealing what God is really like and what He has done. Isn't that wonderful!
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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