I have been experiencing Psalm 37 even more. That is one awesome passage of scripture.
It is excellent in the King James Version but after looking up words in Hebrew it has become even more meaningful.
One text in particular I found extremely interesting in regards to Peace was 11. The following is my paraphrase of that text. (My take of the whole chapter is posted at paraphrases link at the right if anyone wishes to peruse.)
"Those who gently and willingly agree with the Creator will live in the earth and delight in the abundant peace provided through God's love covenant with them."
The next two verses give a bit of a contrast which is also very interesting to me.
12. Some people plot to disturb the peace of those who are right. They work hard (especially with sharp words) to make them as miserable as possible.
13. But my Sovereign Lord laughs at them for He knows their future.
I think God is trying to tell me something here about how I - especially when I am united to Him by accepting His will - may better 'handle' those who attempt to break my peace. Seeing the bigger picture helps to keep God's perspective in mind.
This Psalm does deal with some contrasts but I am also seeing it more as God's perspective for those who choose to accept His will.
The last few verses as I have written them I share now as a benediction of peace.
37 - 40. Watch those who have accepted God's will and you will see peace in action, but those who break away from God's covenant with them will end in nothing. Those who covenant with the Creator God receive His strength, even in trouble. The Self-Existent One surrounds His family. He will slip them away from their abusers, set them free and keep them safe because they flee to Him for protection.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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Well said.
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