Well, my sister has come and gone already. She was a real blessing while she was here. One of the first things we did was get the room where she was going to stay in order. Another friend had given us some rugs. We had already put one in a bedroom and another one in the family room. We laid one in what is now the guest bedroom (where my sister stayed), another one in the living room of the big house and the last rug we put in our living room in a smaller house.
Another project we worked on was getting some plastic on the windows. Since winter is upon us I hope that will help save on our gas and electric bills this year as well as making the house more comfortable.
Besides getting rugs down we worked at getting each room in 'order'. The new guest room had been an office/storage room. We rearranged furniture - removing those pieces that we couldn't find places for - and when it was all said and done it looks very nice, even if I do say so myself.
After getting the new guest room and the living room in order my sister and I worked on the upstairs. I have one room as library/craft room and another one is being set up for an office. During the past few months there have been a number of changes in other rooms and most of the 'extras' had been 'stored' in those two rooms. It took a bit longer but the library/craft room is pretty much cleaned and ready for use. The office still has some things that need to be sorted and either stored or removed but overall it is in pretty good shape, especially considering what it looked like before we started.
The last day my sister was here we started work in earnest on our living room. We did get the rug put down on the floor - that is especially nice now that it is cold outside. Our son wanted some say on how the furniture would be arranged so we didn't quite get everything 'done' but we are progressing.
This past Sunday my hubby and I spent some time under the house working on installing a drain line for a new sit down shower in the main floor bathroom. When we came to attaching it to the existing 'line' we ran into some additional challenges so had to postpone finishing that job until later.
Between the effects of crawling around in the dust and putting as much effort as possible to get as much done as we could while my sister was here I ended up with laryngitis. It does seem better but when my younger brother called me yesterday he didn't recognize me by my voice.
Along with the 'physical' help my sister gave me, she also shared some observations I have appreciated very much.
My sister had a 600 mile drive ahead of her after leaving here so she left here Tuesday evening and drove for perhaps 100 miles before getting a motel for the night. She wanted to be in Brunswick, Ga. by Wednesday evening and in Florida by Thursday evening.
I do believe that her helping here has helped bring more peace with the increasing 'order' and for that I am grateful. We still have a lot to do but every little bit helps.
I was a bit under the 'weather' yesterday and didn't get a whole lot done. But today I am feeling better and there is much to do so I will close for now.
May God's peace be experienced in your heart today.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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