There are some words in the Bible that just can't be construed to be 'peace' or 'peaceful'.
One of Jesus' names is Prince of Peace and an incomplete picture of what God is like might lead a person to believe that just because Jesus is called the Prince of Peace that must mean there is only Peace around Him.
That is the ultimate goal, Yes! But there is also another reality. Someone chose to become an enemy to the Prince of Peace. And one of this enemy's concepts is that if God says it or said it then in order to not be in agreement with the Prince of Peace that concept must be, has to be changed in some way, shape or form - otherwise the enemy and Jesus would be agreeing.
Have you ever met someone that seems to think that way?
Anyway, Jesus knew about that this challenge. Therefore He gave all who choose to belong to Him a weapon that would protect them from this problem.
Jesus gave to human beings the Written Word - we now call the Bible.
When Jesus became a human being He used that weapon against Satan - His arch enemy.
When Jesus returned to heaven He left His written Word, the Bible, with His human family so that they too could have that weapon against Satan.
There are many promises dealing with peace for those who choose to love God.
There are also some rather strong statements from God that don't sound very peaceful to those who choose any will other than God's will for their lives.
That statement is the key. When a person chooses God's will God promises to give an inner peace that is beyond explaination. But when a person chooses any other will outside of God's will that gives Satan 'room' to bring in all other kinds of situations that don't always seem 'peaceful'.
Even in the life of a person who has chosen God's will there come situations that don't seem
peaceful at the moment.
Psalm 27 deals with some of those scenarios.
If you are interested in reading my perceptions of Psalm 27 just click on the link to the right of this blog.
Those words have become so meaningful to me in some recent situations and I thank the Prince of Peace for helping me to focus on the real source of Peace - Him and my love relation to Him.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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