As some may know I have been helping a lady get ready to move. There have been a lot of legal activities involved with the situation which has made the 'move' far more interesting and, may I say unique, than I think I would want for the average (over the years I have helped many people move). On the other hand, I have been learning many things during this preparation time to move my friend that I most likely would not have learned in most other moving situations.
Because of legalities we couldn't start putting things into boxes and closinog the boxes until after there had been a legal inspection. The other party involved has been, may I suggest, afraid (to the point of almost paranoid) first of all that my friend would not really move out and then when she began to see signs of getting ready to move she expressed 'fear' that my friend was stealing - thus the reason for the inspection before we could begin packing.
That is all in the past now and we have been packing. Another interesting part of this situation is that even though my friend is supposed to be leaving (and we are doing all in our power to make that happen on the appointed day) there has been a constant concern that the other party will attempt to cause damage and then blame my friend so as to 'collect' for the damages.
I have had the advantage of being able to 'leave' the situation and go home for the evening.
My friend still lives there every day so the stress level for her has been much higher. At times the tension has mounted and the effects of that kind of tension have been felt.
Yet, through this whole experience there has been flowing through both of us a sense of God's guidance in very special ways. I haven't always perceived full peace - mainly because I haven't always ascertained God's will quick enough in certain situations - yet over and over again God's guidance has been seen and His peace - and joy - experienced by both of us.
Just last week there were some more legal matters that needed attention. My friend looked at me and asked if I could give her just one good reason why this particular response from her was needed as it seemed to be a repeat of something she had already done before. My mind drew a complete blank and I told her so. Nonetheless I began typing a response as she gave details. About a third of the way through that process the answer to her question suddenly became very clear to me and I shared it with her. Her comments to this legal situation were enabling her to reveal the truth about particulars that had been withheld up to this point. When she saw that her whole attitude changed. And when we finished her comments some time later she made the comment that she felt as though she had been set free - liberated. (I agreed with her.)
A little bit later we were doing some cleaning in the basement and I came up (for some fresh air) and gave her another reason I believe the Lord was getting her out of this place. The basement was full of mold and even though she has not been using the basement that atmosphere does affect the whole house and may even possibly been partial cause for some of her health problems.
Then a third reason was revealed to us about God's leading in this move. This one, to me anyway, was a biggie. The person who 'owns' the property was not able to add my friend's name to the property ownership at the time of purchase. At first this seemed to be a disadvantage. But then we found out that the owner has refinanced the property and maxed out what was able to be gotten from the value. As we were discussing this development I pointed out that when my friend leaves in a few days she will not owe anything due to the fact that her name was not on any of the papers. And particularly since this person has become hostile toward my friend this is very good so when my friend walks away she will not carry with her financial obligations.
These points mentioned above are blessings and they have been nice when discovered by us. I thank the Lord for His goodness to my friend. And even though I am not personally 'moving' somehow I have been able to 'share' in some of the joy and peace that the Lord has been giving to my friend.
We are looking forward to 'moving' day. I've not yet got everything packed - but I'm working on it. It has been and is and will be a lot of work. Yet, when the door is shut on the house my friend is leaving and the keys are given to the lawyer I sense there will be a deeper sense of peace than what we have even previously experienced. Yes, the new place needs to be arranged and there is lots and lots of unpacking to be done (especially with the unusual way things had to be packed in the first place) and lots of littles will need to be addressed, but through it all there will be a freedom that my friend has not had since she got into the present situation. She has had an inner peace through her connection with our heavenly Father, but she is looking forward to a renewal of some peace in her living setup that has long been missing.
A move can be stressful and usually is in one way or another. This time, however, I think the move will be one way to reduce stress as well, praise the Lord, and bring more peace. That is my prayer.
Maiden, Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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