Yesterday was interesting at best. My friend that I have been helping has had some very real concerns about the upcoming move she will be making soon. There are many details that still seem almost frightening to her at times. The person who turned against her first of all was fearful that my friend would not move and now that she is 'moving' the person is afraid that my friend will steal things. (That is definitely one effect of not having real peace in a person's heart.) But yesterday, as we were working in the home office, my friend got a call from the people she will be leasing from. She came to find out the the wife was also an artist (as is my friend) and that was one thing that attracted them to the house where my friend will be moving into as well. They had moved from the house because they wanted more acerage than this place afforded. But for one person the house will be fine. I really felt that God had this phone call come at just this time as an encouragement to my friend that God is still in control even though there still seem to be 'threats' to disrupt this detatchment process.
As I watched as well as participated in various events yesterday I realized that in my life also I have to make choices as to whether I will accept God's peace in my heart (which is not dependent on externals even if outside events seem to be dictating otherwise) or allow external circumstances to dictate how I will 'feel' - my conditions for peace.
We are in a drought in our area. The well on our farm, to my knowledge, has never 'stayed' dry. It hasn't yet gone totally dry now but there does not seem to be enough water for the pump to fill the pressure tank and keep it full. We have been turning the pump on only when we really need water and so far we are thus managing for drinking and bathroom needs. (We are presently doing laundry elsewhere though.) It has been a challenge in ways but somehow I believe that even this experience reveals whether or not it is God's peace I have in my heart or a substitute termed 'peace' where no 'current' events are happening to upset a person.
What kind of peace do I have today?
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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