It seems that the pace slowed down a tiny bit. Perhaps it may have been in part because I have had a cold and couldn't keep going as much. Then when I seemed to be doing better my dear hubby got some of the symptoms. He has had more runny nose than I did - I don't envy him.
Anyway, during some of this time I have been working on Psalm 25. A fascinating way of looking at Psalm 22 - 25 seems to be emerging in my thinking. Take it for what it is worth to you.
Psalm 22 was a prophecy of what was happening in Jesus' mind as he was on the cross - giving us a little insight as to the temptations Jesus faced. To begin with Jesus asked the question - "Have you forsaken me?" (Not 'why' because in verse 11 Jesus asks God not to forsake Him indicating God had not forsaken Jesus.)
Psalm 23 is an affirmation of the unity and care of God - first of all for Jesus when He lived as a human on this earth, and then for all who accept that Jesus has already saved them from sin -missing God's plan for them.
Psalm 24 includes the triumphal reentry of Jesus back to heaven in glory and honor because He not only redeemed human beings from the slavery to Satan but He revealed how - by connection to the Prince of Peace (Himself) - they too can live at peace with God and each other.
Psalm 25 seems to be a prayer - personal, intimate and passionate - deep from David's heart (and can be from mine also) to have that same oneness, that same unity, that same intimacy with God the Father as Jesus had when He lived as a human being here on earth.
Praise God, He is in the business of answering that kind of prayer.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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