If the 'speed' at which 'lessons' come in one day are any indication, things are happening 'fast'. It seems that for the last two days or so we have been in 'emergency' mode, at least a good share of the time - when I am not sleeping.
This concept of 'contracts' seem to be developing in my mind through many of the 'lessons'. Here is a quick review. When one mind offers to have a relationship with another mind, one of three responses take place: 1. Accept the offer; 2. Reject the offer; 3. Counter with another offer.
O.K. sounds well and good.
I have also been learning that when another mind counter offers, how you respond to that counter offer affects YOU intensely. I learned this the hard way. I thought I was offering to come into a 'peace' agreement with someone. They counter offered with what I considered a spirit of 'force' perhaps combined with some 'fear' as well. Without really thinking about it as such I responded 'in kind' to them. What I didn't realize until later was that when I 'respond in kind', the same spirit - of force and fear in this instance - came into my heart. It was like I was opening the door of my heart and inviting those spirits, that I thought previously I didn't want, to come in and take residence. Ouch!!
So, what is an appropriate response when someone counter offers my offer with a spirit that I certainly do not want in my heart? (One thing I have learned, when I do respond in kind to a 'wrong' spirit and that 'other' spirit comes in to me, war ensues.) I may not know all about contracts but this is where the counter offer concept really began to make more sense to me. When I am 'in Christ' I cannot be 'forced' to accept their counter offer any more than they are to accept my offer to them. Offers and counter offers can go on and on until one or the other mind either completely accepts or totally rejects.
So should I reject immediately when I perceive that someone is making an 'offer' with another spirit? That could possibly become very hard on 'relationships', to say the least. I'm not saying we should never reject an offer: I believed that lie far too long - 'peace' at all costs. But on the other hand, learning how to 'counter offer' properly may 'win' some folks into accepting the PEACE/ JOY and LOVE the Lord is offering to them through us.
'Responding in kind' was first presented to me as a 'wrong' way to respond when someone 'offers' me a spirit I do not want in my heart. I have been observing that when I recognize there is a 'spirit' in the offer that I don't care to have operating in me it seems that it becomes easier 'not to respond in kind'. And of course that can only happen because I have previously invited the "HOLY SPIRIT" to be in control of my heart.
Example: I was called over to 'view' damage done when a plant had fallen from a window sill. It had happened before and I decided the planter needed to be moved. The owner of the planter put up a big fuss. I simply said, "No, I will not put it back in the same location". I think I did it kindly as I began to figure where else the planter could be placed (This is one person that has been teaching me a whole lot about this subject through 'experience'.) After some more 'fuss' she very strongly declared "If you ever agree with me I will have a heart attack and die". I have agreed with her several times since then but she is still alive and as well as when we don't agree. I share this because during that experience I began to 'see' how that when I did not 'respond in kind' I did not loose my PEACE no matter what she was 'feeling' and 'offering to me'. After she calmed down we have had several nice talks. But that time I didn't experience the feeling of 'war' in my heart which had so often boiled up before when I have 'responded in kind'.
Does that mean I will never get 'angry'? No. Does that mean I will never have other emotions? NO! When those emotions are legitimate they can be very appropriate. But there are 'spirits' that are not appropriate to have or 'give others'. The Bible reminded me that God has not given me the spirit of 'terror', but of power and of love and of a sound mind. And Jesus says "PEACE I leave with you, My PEACE I give unto you" .
I pray that God's peace will be with you who read this through my sharing with you.
Maiden, Bringer of PEACE
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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