Ah, that experience of peace. At times it seems to real, so tangable. Other times it seems so illusive, so vague. Might that partly be because at least some of what we have previously considered 'peace' is laced with lies? (Like, peace at all costs?).
I'm going to return to the 'bookcase' story first. I mentioned earlier that a lady had asked the man to come 'finish' the bookcase job in her bedroom area that we had started several months ago. I was happy to get a job done so saw no problem in the arrangement. When the man came I showed him what I had done thus far and what was available to work with. He began to point out some integrity 'problems' with my original 'plan'. About that time my friend came in. The man turned to her and asked her how deep she wanted the shelves and she gave him an approximate idea (maybe 6-7 inches) but then added she wanted them wide enough for 3 ring binders. She started to explain what she wanted done and then, turning to me, told me she didn't want me to be there. When I declined the offer to leave she immediately turned and huffed off saying something like she wouldn't pay to have it done then. That was o.k. with me for her to make that choice on her part and I returned to talking to the carpenter again. (He actually knew some of the situation and as she left he had given me a 'thumbs up' and asked me how I felt. I told him I felt like I had made the right decision and he agreed.) He then asked me if I really wanted the bookcase in the first place. I told him I didn't mind having it there but I also didn't consider that it would be long term permanent. After he pointed out some other possible problems and we discussing other option, on his counsel I decided not to put in the bookcase even termporary. I will insulate the area and cover it so she can move back into the room. (She had broken her leg in December and we had set up a hospital bed for her in her kitchenette (the bedroom is long and narrow making it impossible to get the wheelchair into it but now that she is getting around with just one crutch she will have a bit more privacy back in her own room. For a 'bookcase' area there is a freestanding bookcase I am going to try to get into her room for now.)
This incident actually showed me more about organized peace. At present my husband and I manage this farm. Sad to say, in the past we have at times let others practically 'walk over us', so to speak. I do not want to be rude to others but I also believe that the Lord expects us to accept the responsibilities He gave us. If my friend did not want to work with me that is her choice. but I believe it was also totally appropriate for me to know what was going on and also have the right to 'agree' or decline on projects dealing with this property. For one of the first times - in a situation of this type - I felt a 'peace' rather than either contention or being walked over. I'm sure I will have more lessons but I hope this one will prepare me for the next 'chapter' in this 'class' on organized peace.
More on the positive aspect I had another experience I believe is also teaching me about organized peace. For a number of years I have 'led' in a summer program called 'Vacation Bible School' aimed primarily at children and young people. But this year there had been some challenges in relationships and I also felt 'empty' in myself so I backed out of the VBS leadership.
I was asked to reconsider and said I would pray about it. In a period of a recent 2-3 week period several important things took place. The Lord brought about reconcilliation between myself and another person, for which I praise Him; 2 other ladies agreed that they would work with me as a team (one of them is a very good organizer and the other has experience in media presentations, praise the Lord) and I believe the basic concept of a new VBS program has been opening up in my mind. What has been so much better this year is that it is not what do 'I' have but how can we work together in harmony (peace) to accomplish a common goal. Isn't that another way of saying 'organized peace'. I like what God is doing in me as well as for me.
So much more is happening but I must be going for now.
Remember, the God of Peace loves you!!
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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