These past 12 hours have been quite interesting, and most of it was 'nighttime'. Having gotten home late (as mentioned in the last blog) I guess I thought the evening might soon slow down. It finally did after a couple more phone calls. During one call I was sharing some of what I have been learning with the caller. Sometimes these life lessons may sound good on paper (or web) but repeating what has been learned the next time may be even more important.
Several times in the past few days people have shared with me their insights on my current situation. Interestingly most of them have been very similar in nature. (I think the Lord is trying to get my attention. He has been impressing me along the same line too.) This 'subject' has at least something to do with 2 Tim. 1:7. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power. . . . That concept of power deals also with proper authority. Some who read this will probably know that excerting proper 'authority' has not been a strong point in me. Partly because of the lie I long believed of 'peace at all costs', it has seemed difficult for me to assume, even properly, authority when I was supposed to do so which have created or prolonged some problems.
I couldn't seem to sleep past 4 something so decided to get up and take a shower early. My shower this morning was a 'rare' treat - long and leisurely - which I do get to enjoy once in a while. And while showering the Lord and I were discussing some of the aspects of authority which had been brought to my attention in the last few days. It was a very interesting visit, let me tell you. We reviewed some recent lessons and then applied them to 'now'.
Before sharing more, let me say that proper authority must be received. Those who are 'under authority' must willingly give the person placed in authority their 'loyalty' and the right to have authority over them. If a persen attempts to force - Satan's counterfeit - it is no longer proper authority.
On the other hand the person given the authority must know how to use it properly or it can become a detriment and/or counterfeit also.
Sounds like a rather fine line at times. Yes, and no. Let me try to explain the 'no' first. The more I have been understanding true authority the more I am realizing that it has more to do with attitudes than actions, although actions are an essential element. Let me give an example. Several months ago a lady here wanted some shelves in her room. I had a 'block' of time so decided to try to 'do it'. My brother was here at the time and he tore out an old window where we were going to build in the shelves. I then took apart an old bookcase and cut the side boards to fit into the frame where the window had been. About that time the lady told me she wanted to paint the boards before I put them up. I was aware that if I didn't get that job done relatively soon it might not get done soon. After mildly attempting to get her to let me go ahead and finish putting the case together I decided to wait for her to paint the boards and she still hasn't painted the boards.
This morning I went over there and we got to discussing it. She then told me she had hired someone to come finish the project (for which I am glad). But as I reveiwed the experience I realized more that I have not been practicing proper authority as co-manager here. Yes, I did accept her choice to put off the project, but I now believe I could have also exercised proper authority and moved ahead when I had the time to do so and been get the job done long ago. By the way, she seems to be blaming me for such a long delay and in the sense that I let her override my authority I believe she is right.
The more I have been mulling these things over in my mind the more I realize that God's original plan of organization for planet earth - His plan for family - was set up to be 'organized peace'. Therefore it makes sense that in order to understand better 'organized' peace I need to understand God's plan for family, especially since most of my previous concepts of 'family' don't fit that model as I have been learning about it from the Bible.
As I have opportunity I may share more of what I am learning about this 'organized peace'.
But for now may the God of peace share that peace with you.
Maiden, Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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