When thinking about 'organized peace' , is true 'organized' somewhat similar to genuine 'peace' in that it begins on the inside, in the heart?
Someone shared with me that they discovered they were 'managers' of their own set of internal 'idols, images'. Rather than all of the 'false' concepts being in control at any one time in their minds, they would 'pick and choose' which one would seem to be most effective at any given time. And of course if one wasn't being real effective another one is called into 'service'.
That is one kind of organization all right, but as I realized I have some of that 'problem' too, I also decided that is not what I want.
When God spoke to Israel at Mt Sinai in Arabia His first words were "I am the Lord thy God" (present tense) "which hath brought thee out" (present perfect tense - completed yet still present) "of the land of Egypt" (symbol of Satan's government when used in the Bible) out of the house of bondage ( Satan is the slavemaster, sinners are his slaves.)
These words of God can be compared to a 'power pack'. When the God of Peace is in control there is 'organization'. When I accept what God says as true in my life, that is a power pack.
God's original plan was not that the confusion (babel) caused by sin was to rule heart and mind. Sin causes 'civil war' since sin is based on believing a lie. On the other hand the Spirit of God in the heart and mind brings organized peace. It unites the truth as stored in the mind with the experiences of JOY and PEACE to enable a person to 'be like Jesus'.
Jesus said "Peace I leave with you. My Peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
Oh, it is nice to quote those promises. Now, how does a person 'enforce' the covenant? Sounds to me that is important to understand before we can truly experience 'organized peace'.
I have been pondering the following especially in relation to true covenant.
1. Believe that God is offering Peace to me.
2. Accept God's peace by agreeing with God's will (that I have His peace in me).
3. Enforce God's covenant of Peace with and in me. (Everytime the doubt that God doesn't want me to be at peace comes, reiterate the promises given by God in His covenant.)
That last statement is another and yet related topic. Could it be that we need to understand God's covenant of Peace in order to better understand how to experience 'organized peace'?
I will be pondering that for next time. In the mean time remember that the God of Peace has already chosen you to be in His Peace experience with Him.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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