Is this an 'oxymoron' - two concepts that can't co-exist together? Can there be PEACE in emergencies? or is that simply a pipe dream? whatever that conjures up in your mind.
Let's see, where did this last round of intense experiences (emergencies or at least pretty close to that) seem to 'start'? One thing that popped into my mind when I asked that question was that I was attempting to help a person 'write' a letter in response to some very intense 'counter-offers' being ejected her way by a person who had formerly been seemingly very close but then suddenly became hostile. That little 'job' had taken a few hours of some rather intense 'editing' so as to 'say' just the right thing in the right way with the 'right' spirit.
We felt that we were almost done with my friend's letter when I got a cell phone call from another friend that her brother had run out of gas and needed help. May not sound like a 'big deal' but that brother had been here before and due to several factors has been denied the privilege to return here. But do you just leave someone out on the side of the road on a cold night? Son Carl and I eventually were able to locate him, take him some gas and get him some supper/breakfast and then put him up for the night at 'Red Roof Inn'.
O.K. we were tired getting home around 2 a.m. But the story wasn't over. Today we got another call. Could we help again. At first it was to assist him by driving him back home. (We later found out we had put ourselves at risk legally because the car he was driving had been reported as stolen and if we had been stopped we would have also been in trouble. Fortunately those scenarios didn't 'happen'.) Then he decided he didn't want that. But the police did come get the car and the 'brother' panicked and took a taxi to another town. (It took some time and money to get the car 'back' and ready to return to the owners.) Our son, who seems to still have a working relation with brother, asked if we could try to help a little bit more. I appreciated his spirit and so I talked to brother and tried to find (in my car) where he was. After a couple of hours driving around and getting lost I gave up the search and called 911 to see if maybe they could at least try to get him into a shelter of some kind for the night since it had been snowing and was getting much colder.
As is obvious, I did finally get back home - I'm writing on the computer. The day is over, I think.
So, can a person have peace even in trouble? YES!! God's Peace is not dependent on 'outward' situations but rather it comes from the heart, through the heart.
As I drove up with our son to find brother the first time God kept whispering to me"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." "I was hungry and ye gave me meat. . . " I am not trying to toot my own horn. But I had a peace. I am not sure I would have gone last night if I had known all I learned today, but I don't regret it.
Do I feel bad about helping a lady word a letter to attempt to resolve some very intense issues between her and another person? I experienced Peace particularly when I sensed her also experiencing peace about what she had written and how it was worded also.
I somehow sense that a 'deep, abiding, quiet confidence' - PEACE - can happen between two human minds even as it can between God and a human mind, for true PEACE comes from God and one of Jesus' titles is "Prince of Peace".
Peace to you,
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
What a day (and night) you've had. I'm glad you took time to share with us. PEACE in emergencies... I've never heard of that but you are right. It can happen if you open your mind.
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