As I have been learning more about this concept of 'organized' peace, I also realize this experience of real peace is really a gift. God created this world a place where He and His human family could experience peace - deep, secure, trusting relations with other minds.
If God created this world with that goal in mind what has happened? For the most part that is not the way it is in the everyday world I live in.
Is it possible for me to return to, to regain the 'organized peace' I have read about?
As I have been learning more about this concept of 'organized' peace, I am also realizing the experience of peace is a gift. God created this world a place where He and His human family could experience peace – a deep, secure, trusting relationship with Him. He also created the human mind to be able to experience peace with other human minds.
If God created this world with that goal in mind something has gone way wrong. What happened? For the most part that is not the way it is in the everyday world I live in anyway.
Is it possible for me to experience the 'organized peace' I have just described?
With some of those thoughts and questions in mind I have been reviewing given information concerning the beginnings of 'peace on earth'.
The condition of this earth as recorded in Genesis 1 before God's Spirit began 'moving' indicates there was a time before now when this earth was not in very good condition. Genesis 1:2 reads
A. The earth was without form (doesn't sound very organized to me).
B. The earth was void (empty doesn't sound very inviting either).
C. The earth was dark (peace can exist in darkness but it just doesn't sound complete to me).
After having studied this some I am concluding that this description of the earth before God began 'organizing' is also symbolic of more than just the physical 'earth'.
In order to organize there must be something, at least to some extent, to 'organize'. I found it very interesting that these three word pictures - 'without form', 'void', and 'darkness' on the 'face of the deep' (particularly in the language in which this was originally written) - were used also when describing a system, a form of government if you please, that was diametrically opposed to the love based government of the Creator God of the Universe. In that setting the creation story took on new meaning to me.
It is a rather well known fact that we are all currently living in a 'war' zone but I'm not referring to the Iraqi conflict here. What I am referring to is conflict on a global level. Many years ago a created being declared war against the Creator God of the Universe saying that God's form of government needed to be improved. I can't give you a specific time when this happened because it began before this world was even prepared as a home for the human family.
The Creator God has given as one of His 'names' the "God of Peace". It makes sense therefore that with that title God would be seeking that attribute of His character to be revealed.
And interestingly enough, this is one of the foundational reasons for the cosmic war currently in process. The Creator God has only one form of government in which His peace ‘functions’. But when one of God’s created beings declared there was a 'better' way, a more efficient form of government for the whole universe than that established by the God of Peace, peace began to fade.
Who is right? God or the 'new order'?
God chose to allow a certain amount of time to reveal the basic tenants of what was being advocated as a 'better' form - a new order - of government. This decision on God’s part was based at least in part on the premise that true ‘Peace’ cannot be ‘forced’ (which is, however, one of the fundamental principles of the opposition to God’s government that the use of force will be used if all else fails with fear being the primary 'weapon' used in force).
Even before the ‘war in heaven’, as Revelation 12:7 describes the above conflict, God had decided to increase His 'family' - which is the setting of Genesis 1 mentioned above.
When God had announced His plans to begin His 'new addition' to His family, His enemy immediately took steps to thwart the expansion of God's government. This is one reason the words, 'without form', and 'void', and 'darkness was upon the face of the deep' are strikingly meaningful. When God 'arrived' at this earth someone else was already there. Revelation records that after the 'war' in heaven and after the dragon (that old serpent called the devil and Satan) had 'lost', he and his cohorts 'cast out' to this earth.
Please be aware that Satan's government does have organization and also claims to have 'peace'. But at the same time, even though the same word - peace – may be used in the English language, the bottom line meaning for peace in each government is diametrically opposed to the other ‘side’, the opposite meaning.
The words describing this earth prior to God's creative power manifested in it also describe some of the more immediate effects of Satan's form of government: 'without form',(compared to where Satan and his hosts had just come from – the light, JOY, PEACE and love which they had previously experienced in heaven in the very presence of the Creator God of the Universe, - they were now truly ‘without form’) 'void' (empty of that which is life giving. God is life and since Satan and those loyal to him had turned from allegience to the Creator God, the only true Lifegiver, they were ‘void’, empty) and 'darkness' (symbol of Satan's government in direct contrast to God’s form of government whose symbol is light) 'was upon the face of the deep' (deep here can also be translated 'dragon').
So God came to this earth which, before He arrived was dark, void and without form and He began ‘reorganizing’ it to make it ‘fit’ for His new ‘love family’ – humans – to have as their home.
The story of God bringing ‘peace’ to this earth is awesome and which I want to explore more.
For now keep in mind that the God of Peace who created this earth in the first place wants to create in you and me the experience of PEACE and JOY through believing in Him even though the enemy of real peace tries his best to get us to look away from the God of Peace. "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13 "
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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