The God of Mighty Miracles is marching through this land,
Healing homes and healing hearts with His Almighty hand.
He's ready to create my home a happy family
Where love will ever flow through time and all eternity.
O, touch me now, O Holy Spirit, with Your mighty power.
Do Your miracles in me right at this very hour.
Glory! Glory! God Almighty. It's Your matchless power.
Praise God for His great miracles right at this very house.
The God of mighty miracles is calling me today
I hear His voice, I feel His touch, I come without delay.
He stands with open arms to give me JOY and PEACE and LOVE
And then I'll live forever - happy family above.
O, touch me now, O Holy Spirit, with Your mighty power.
Do Your miracles in me right at this very hour.
Glory! Glory! God Almighty. It's Your matchless power.
Praise God for His great miracles right at this very house.
What an awesome God that loves us so much that He is more than eager to fill us with His JOY and PEACE and LOVE. Outward circumstances may not appear to be 'joyful' or 'peaceful' or even have any amount of love. But God's love, joy and peace are not based on the outward parts of our lives. Rather, they come from God who instills His love, joy and peace inside - from which they then flow out to others.
I have shared a few things that God has been exhibiting and allowing to be revealed in answer to our praises to Him, but the ones I have mentioned thus far are only a few of the things He is doing.
This evening I got a super bonus. After our son, his girlfriend, my hubby and I had discussed some very important issues, our son, his girlfriend and I were in our little kitchen while they were getting supper. Our son looked at me and told me that both he and his girlfriend considered I was a 'cool' mom. I didn't really cry but the tears weren't far from the surface. Just today I have been impressed - even before this exchange - that I have the responsibility as well as the privilege of claiming both our son and his girl friend for God. What an awesome situation. And I am encouraged even more in that request because God has already said just about the same thing. "Thus said the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their own border." Jeremiah 31:16,17
God also, at times anyway, seems to have a bit of a sense of humor. I teach a small class of younger children each Sabbath. Two or three of the children can at times be a 'handful' during class time. Today started no different. I'm not sure what all transpired but something happened and the mother of one of the boys got up and took one of her boys out of class. After the class finished the mother and the boy came to me and the boy said he was sorry for the way he acted. I gave him a big hug and I also pray that the boy knows I love him as well as Jesus loves him too.
(Now is how God gave me a chuckle) Due in part to stress I felt almost a need to 'take a rest' instead of 'going' to church. But since a lot of people are gone for the holiday there was no one else who could play the piano for the church service. I agreed to play for church - I play when no one else is around who can play the piano. As I was sitting in church listening to a very good sermon the thought crossed my mind that God has more than one way to keep me where He wants me to be. :) I may have wanted to 'rest', but God knew I needed to share in a blessing more than 'rest'. I do enjoy expressing God's love through music. It brought a smile to my face and a chuckle in my mind as I thought of how God was working in me and for me just then.
I may have the opportunity to share more miracles from God but for now it is getting late for me. Until next time we meet again may the God of Peace fill you with Himself.
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Bringer of Peace
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