I have been learning more about the 'attitude of gratitude'. The Bible, as you may recall, says "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you". I am so thankful God isn't telling me to give thanks FOR everything that happens, but rather no matter what happens, no matter what situation I may be IN, I can still have an attitude of gratitude, particularly to God.
Practice Time:
The evening of December 2 I got a call from our son. After I answered, there was an unusually long pause. When he finally spoke he told me he was sorry but he had been in an accident. He wasn't hurt but the his girl friend and another man were being checked out at our local hospital. To make a long story short, no one had any broken bones but they may be sore for a few more days.
I thank God there were no serious injuries even though the car has been totaled by the Ins. Co.
Practice Time:
Tax time. Today the property taxes are due and personal property taxes as well.
For the past quite a few days my husband and I have been practicing thanking God daily for the above need along with a number of other 'pressing' financial obligations. I'm not yet totally certain about the exact correlation, but last night I got a message on my phone from the insurance company of an offer of settlement relating to the accident. If I have it figured correctly those funds can 'cover' the taxes, pay off the car loan and help provide for some transportation.
I refuse to thank God FOR the accident. IN the situation, though, I can THANK God. If God chooses to use the situation in this way, Praise the Lord. "All things work together FOR good (they may not all 'be' good, but God can use them FOR good).
There are still other items on our 'thank you' list. God has promised He will supply all our needs, therefore we will continue to 'practice' giving thanks IN all things for this is God's will for us.
It is not God's will to MAKE me suffer. That is not what I am even hinting at. But God's will is for me to keep thanking Him no matter what appearances indicate. His will is for me to get to know Him so well that I can 'trust' Him in good times as well as in what appear to be 'bad' times. That kind of 'trust' - knowing that God not only loves me but will only permit what He sees best - is the foundation of God's kind of peace filling my heart and life
Learning that He ALWAYS wants what is best for me is what takes the 'life' out of 'worry' (in other words, 'kills' worry).
Thanking God IN every situation keeps my focus on Him, not on 'what' or 'where' or even 'why'.
I have some things to do this morning along with thanking God for His love and protection so I will close for now. Until we meet again may I encourage you to thank Him for life, for breath, for friends, for supplying our needs, for sunshine and most of all for His continuing love to all of us.
In a few hours the human family's special appointment with the Creator God of the Universe - Sabbath - will begin. I would be delighted to have you join me in a special thanksgiving and praise time during the holy hours of this Sabbath. Happy Sabbath to you all.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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