This week has been extremely interesting - to put it mildly.
A few weeks ago the Lord told us to make the list of what we needed and thank Him for it.
As time has been passing God has been making visible answer after answer to what was on our list - plus more.
As mentioned, our 'best vehicle' was totaled recently in an accident. I now call it our 'rolling savings account'. God is using funds supplied through that experience to pay off some key 'bills' that needed to be paid by the end of this year.
Today I received a call from a lady who told us of a bill that we did not even have on our 'list'. I briefly explained our 'earthly' financial situation. She listened and then 'cut' the bill a good 1/3. The funds for that bill will be available this coming week and she agreed to that arrangement.
God is not only resolving financial challenges but He is also opening our eyes to fantastically bigger plans to use us than what we have previously ever 'dreamed' of. Praise the Lord!
We were praising God recently for the list. I was thanking Him for certain items. Then my hubby spoke a 'sum' way far above what I had ever dreamed of. Those very words thrilled my heart and I joined him in thanking the Creator God for supplying it.
Almost immediately after that prayer time I was impressed I need to make plans far above what I have previously done. WOW! God's Word is opening up to show us, through the Bible, more clearly His will.
The past two or three days I have been focusing on Psalm 55 in my personal time with God.
(I just posted my paraphrase in the link to the right if you wish to see my present understanding of Psalm 55). God is speaking to me through these precious words.
Another 'answer' came last evening. Someone we have been praying for earnestly opened up and I was able to speak in harmony with that person for several hours. I am so grateful as I see how God is not only working in 'money' areas but in hearts as well. WONDERFUL!
We are learning also parts of our own characters that need to be 'given' to God and 'let go of' by ourselves so that our High Priest, Jesus can cleanse us to make us like Him. God is deeply desiring us to reflect more and more what He is really like in our own lives. I humbly also thank God for what He is showing me about me that is not like Him and how to become like Jesus.
God is in the business of working miracles - miracles of love so awesome that even angels stand in delight as they see God's Holy Spirit transforming hearts to become more and more like Jesus.
I thank God that He is in the business of saving souls. I praise His Name.
May you look at Jesus today with an ever deepening desire to become just like Him.
Yours in Christ,
Bringer of Peace.
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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