My hubby was reading about the storm on the sea of Galilee when Jesus said "Peace, Be still" and then shortly thereafter had an encounter with the 'mad men'. I was so impressed as the story unfolded that when Jesus was awakened by the terror stricken disciples in the boat during the storm He showed no sign of fear. Peace was on his face because peace was in His heart. Then when the small group met the mad men on landing, Jesus again had no fear in His face or voice for again, no fear was in His heart.
Everything that Jesus experienced we too can learn and experience. When we are faced with impending disaster, with Jesus in our hearts we can have the same peace He revealed. This evening I received an email that in short said something like this. "By August 15 have cash on hand and be on high ground." I am not saying that nothing will happen around August 15 - which is not very far away as I write this. But somehow I also sense that the most important preparation I could make at this time - whether or not there is a pending financial 'crash' or no - is to be assured that Jesus is 'in me' the hope of glory. That being the case He can enable me to have no fear on my face or in my voice for with Him in me there will be no fear in my heart.
During the past several years it seems that more and more of the time God has been the One who has seen us through financial situations that otherwise would have 'done us in' so to speak.
I suppose it is nice to live with such an income that we could think we have financial security. Since I can't remember when I have been able to depend on our personal incomes for that to be true, I can't really 'know' what that kind of security feels like. But I can, for a surety, say that God has seen us through, in one way or another, time after time when we didn't have what was needed but He supplied when it was needed most. Someone asked me where we were planning to move since probably we wouldn't be able to 'pay' the property taxes. They have known some of our experiences over the past several years and so I simply reminded them that God would enable us just as He has done in the past.
I am reminded of a quote from a very popular Christian writer that we have nothing to fear for the future except we forget the way the Lord has led us, and His dealings with us in our past.
That is what God's kind of peace is all about. And I don't think the 'be still' that Jesus spoke after saying 'Peace' was that we are never to do anything. Rather I see it as assuring us that we can safely stop our worry, our fears and our frustration and 'rest' in His love even while we are working with Him to reveal what He is really like to all we come in contact with.
Whether or not there is a financial crisis in the next few days keep in mind that:
Now the God of hope fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, that ye may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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