It hardly seems possible that it has been three weeks since my brother came to help with remodeling here at our place. The bathroom project turned out to be a real challenge but he finished it finally, early this week. We had started working on it about a year and a half ago. We thought we could 'finish' it but it turned out to be a lot bigger than even my brother had thought. He may get a towel rack mounted before he leaves that was just bought, but if he doesn't that is not a problem for the others here. I also plan to paint the door and window trim today so we can truly say the job is DONE!
It is so nice to see one of the projects here 'finished'. He was also able to get a window in another room installed and trimmed while he was here for which we are grateful.
Another part of my brother's time here that I have greatly appreciated has been his willingness to share with me his observations concerning me. We have often talked in the past with what I consider relationship challenges with other folks who live here. My brother watched exchanges between myself and others and often, after the fact, he would share insights as to why I might have acted, or reacted, the way I did. I found it very helpful. I believe he loves me and that makes his comments even more meaningful to me.
I wonder if the Lord also feels that way about my life. It seems I have so many unfinished projects going on in my heart. I am becoming more and more convinced that most of my trials are the result of God attempting to reveal to me areas in my heart and life that need 'completing'. Another 'reason' for some of the 'rough' experiences is also to show me if there has been progress made in the areas of life in me that God is working on at the present.
If a person 'pushes one of my buttons' and I respond just like I always have before it might be indicative that I haven't learned some lesson the Lord has been trying to teach me up to this point. The other day someone said something that before would most likely have really upset me. I felt feelings inside beginning to 'rise'. Then I remembered some of what I have been learning about remembering who I really am - a princess, a daughter of king Jesus. The comments made suddenly took on another view in my mind. I realized that I no longer needed to be upset. It wasn't something that I could do anything about at that moment anyway so just let the Lord take care of the situation. There are things that I can make decisions about but that wasn't one of them at the moment so I just let the other person have their opinion and didn't attempt to interject what I 'saw' or believed.
Another blessing during this time was that my brother brought some DVDs with him that deal with some of the subjects I need to learn more about particularly in my relations with others. I haven't been able to listen to all of them but I have listened to quite a few of them.
Another man and his son have been adding their time and effort to the remodeling going on as well. They have taken on the project to 'finish' the main kitchen in the farm house. That was also started about a year and a half ago. The main part of the kitchen - cupboards, counters, sink, etc. have been finished, but the last of the trim is yet to be installed. Then, on another wall we hope to complete an area more like a pantry - which is what they are working on right now.
Another project which is on my list is to get more of the 'trash' and 'old' stuff hauled away. We have been taking pickup truck loads to the transfer station but I have come to the conclusion that the expense of that is 'too high' for the benefit. Our pickup uses lots of diesel - possibly even $20 per trip. I am looking now at seeing the possibilities of a waste container and help to 'fill it up'. Oh it will be nice to get things back in order. I will really be happy when that job is 'DONE'!
Writing my dreams down is nice, but it isn't getting anything done. So I'm signing off now to go get something 'done' today. Hope you have a profitable day as well. Whether or not you get things 'done' just remember that the God of Peace is working in your life and You can have that peace in your heart right now just for the accepting of it from Him. It really helps, too, to remember who you are - a child of king Jesus - which means, since He is the God of peace, He will give you His kind of peace whenever you ask for it in agreement with His promises. So, I leave you God's peace as I go in peace also.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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