Science has 'concluded' that the human body has a 'rhythm' based on 7. It was designed to 'work' for six days and rest on the seventh. God, the one who created the human body, was the one who set it up to operate this way. The Bible record in Genesis 2 tells that God set up just such a 'cycle'. Over the history of this world other 'cycles' have been attempted. During the French Revolution a 10 day cycle was instituted - for a while. But when the 'dust' settled, even France went back to a seven day week.
A number of times in the Old Testament God declared that the seventh day - Sabbath as He called it - was the sign that He had given to show that a person was in full allegience to Him.
Secular history reveals that other 'powers' - who were avowedly against the Creator God - substituted other days as 'sacred' in place of the Seventh day Sabbath. Makes sense. If followers of other powers were to keep holy and reverent the day signifying loyalty and allegience to the Creator God, then sooner or later they would 'forget' the 'other power' they were serving. But other powers were able to persuade their followers - either by reasoning or by force - to make another day 'holy'. Some chose the first day of the Creation week to show their allegience to another power. Others chose to keep the sixth day of the week 'holy' as part of their religious beliefs. It really doesn't matter what 'other day', though, just so long as it is another day. Why? Because the seventh day Sabbath is the outside sign of an inside loyalty to the Creator God.
Ah, the Sabbath rest and peace is here again. Just think of it. 24 hours of special opportunities to get to know more about our wonderful Lord, the Creator God. There are so many things to 'do' and 'think about' and 'be' during the first six days of every week. Ah, at the end of those six days is the Sabbath Peace and rest. God is delighted when I slow down expressly to spend time with Him. I talk with Him the rest of the week. I listen to Him both through His Word and works during the six days of the work week. But on Sabbath I can honestly, earnestly and joyfully lay aside my weekly cares and responsibilities and focus anew on who the Creator God really is and what He is like.
Ah, the Sabbath Peace - coming into my heart from the God of Peace - bringing me ever closer to being in full unity with the God who loves me so much.
In my past, 'keeping the Sabbath holy' at times got into what I sometimes refer to as 'legal' - don't do this, you've got to do this, you can't do that on Sabbath, you've got to be this 'way'. etc.
What is the difference between keeping the Sabbath holy in a 'legal' sense and Sabbath keeping in God's original plan? Mainly this. The Sabbath of God's original design was a 24 hour weekly gift from God. God intended it as a delight. God, as a lover, longs to spend quality time with me who He calls His 'beloved'.
So what happens if someone else doesn't 'see' Sabbath, and its observance, as I do? For one thing, God - who does not force - is not in the business of 'making' people 'keep' the Sabbath holy. [It is, however, the one thing God said to 'remember'.(Exodus 20:8)]
Now, what are some things I enjoy doing with my Lord on Sabbath. I happen to enjoy singing so often I will join with others in singing songs of praise to God and of experiencing spiritual worship to God with others. When the opportunity presents itself I have, often Sabbath afternoon, spent time in nature enjoying the beauties God created. Usually on Sabbath morning I gather with other believers in God to focus more fully on what God is really like and what He has done in the lives of others. I also like to listen to what God has done for others and as time permits share some of what He has done for me during the past week.
During the past several months I have been teaching young children more about God on Sabbath mornings. At times I have taken time on Sabbath to prepare what I will be sharing. I like lots of visual aids for this age group so I often have things that I might need to prepare to use with my teaching of the younger children.
Someone just came and invited us to join with them in singing so I will close this for now so we can be part of that 'delightful' activity in praise to God.
Until I write again, may the God who created the wonderful time called Sabbath give you His peace - not just on this Sabbath but from this time forward.
Happy Sabbath
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
14 years ago
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