I was taking a 'break' yesterday and noticed an article concerning how to handle 'bad habits'. Some of the ideas were like what I have heard before but then the author began to explain in simple terms some of how a 'habit' (good or bad) is 'anchored' in the brain. They also explained that the original 'action' memory is stored in one area of the brain but the 'reaction' is stored elsewhere. The original situation may be long forgotten but particularly if there has been 'trama' or 'pain' involved the brain will most often react the same way in all future circumstances as it was 'taught' to do the 'first' time.
This can create some real challenges particularly if the first 'reaction' was not 'right'. When a child in particular (but it can also happen to an adult) has been 'shamed', 'blamed' or caused to 'fear' through the wrong use of force, into doing something or even 'being' someone other than who God originally intended for them to be, that 'wrong habit' will effect them in a negative way for the rest of their life unless and until they are set free (possible but not often by one's own 'self') from the 'fear, shame or blame' that was used to form the habit in the beginning.
I was thinking about it in relation to myself and in the process got to talking with my brother, who has obtained a lot of good information in this area of knowledge. As we talked I realized that I definitely have a number of areas where 'bad habits' are rooted in one of more of the above mentioned 'reasons'. Another way of stating it is 'fear, force and fake'. I don't think (at this point in time) that fake has had as much influence as have fear and force in anchoring habits that have given me much 'grief'.
One of the first steps in breaking the power of 'bad habits' is 'acknowledging them'. Another step (and not particularly in this order) is synchronizing with another mind. As my brother shared an experience he had just gone through on this point I realized that for years I have felt like a 'lone ranger' with little if any support group in which I was involved. Recently I have developed a number of 'supports' and I have been seeing some real blessings from this arrangement.
On the other hand, due in part that we 'manage' the farm where we live, we also at times get involved in 'non-synchronizing' experiences. The contrast the past couple of days has been quite obvious. On the one hand a couple of people were sharing appreciation of my attempts to aid them in ways that I could do so. At the same time we have been attempting to 'deal' with certain situations that seem almost unsolveable - and I think due at least in part to the fact that there is no synchronizing between the parties involved.
My brother shared that his friend had found that when he would be faced with a 'bad habit' or it sounded like almost any problem, if he could 'synchronize' with some other 'positive' mind even for a short time the 'habit' lost 'power' in his life.
The more I thought about it the more it made sense. The ideal 'other mind' to synchronize with is, of course, God's mind. I am also becoming more and more convinced that synchronizing and bonding with other human minds can be an extremely powerful source for forming good habits and overcoming 'bad habits'. Thinking back just over the past few days I saw that concept in practice. When I worked with certain people who I believe I also synchronized with I was blessed (and I hope I gave the same in return). On the other hand, when attempting to deal with 'complaints' and requests on the farm here in situations where I am not particularly in agreement with the requests, I sensed a 'loss of power'.
That was one reason I called my brother (now that I look back on yesterday). After talking with him I often seem to be able to 'face' life a little easier and with more JOY and PEACE. Even though it is a long distance relationship I believe our minds are still able to synchronize. That does not mean we always agree. Synchronization between minds might also be called harmony, unity leading to bonding. That doesn't mean we are clones, but it does mean that, like two properly working gears, we get much more accomplished than when trying to 'go it' alone.
I believe God is looking for people who will first bond with Him (First commandment - love God supreme) and then in the strength of that synchronization reach out to bond with others (Second commandment of God - love others as a person love self). That doesn't mean that everyone we offer to bond with will accept the offer, but thank God there are some other minds and hearts that can come into unison with ours and that 'bonding' is what God calls 'His Family'.
Thanks for listening,
Bringer of Peace
I need to
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
Dear Biby,
Yes, for more good company on our blogsites. India looks beautiful where you are standing.
~Linda at Dusty Angels blogsite
PS Thanks, Olive for letting me post comment here.
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