I am still rather new at this 'blogging'. My brother 'tagged' me while I was away for a few days.
This 'tagging', according to his definition is:
Tagged! You're It
I have been tagged as “it” in the world of blog. This seems to be a very interesting game being enjoyed by various bloggers who are expected, when tagged, to publish 8 random facts about themselves on their blog page and then tag 8 more people who in turn become “it”.
I am going to be 'hard put' to find 8 other 'bloggers' mainly because I don't even 'know' that many myself.
But as far a 8 'random facts' I've decided to give it a try - for whoever may happen to read.
1. I am the fourth born in my family. My name means maiden, bringer of peace (or peace maiden). I believe that meaning has had a very positive impact on my whole life. I learned later that my father's mother's original name was also Olive even though when I knew her she went by the name of 'Frances'.
2. Music, particularly music related to spiritual topics, has been an important element in my life. I was told that after my mother lost a baby, Paul Dean who was born after me, I would say to her "sing mama, sing" (I was somewhere around 2-3 years old). She would sing and I got the distinct impression that it helped both of us. As a primary and junior age child I remember the enthusiastic song services particularly at campmeetings - we just got back from a Holy Spirit filled campmeeting during this last week. And summer camp memories always included singing around the campfire. In my early twenties I was introduced to 'scripture songs'. I was a student elementary school teacher and during my first year of teaching the 'school choir' learned to sing Psalm 119. I decided if I could learn to sing that anything else would be easier. Over the years those Bible songs have been a tremendous influence in my heart. When I began studying more about God's plan for Peace and His JOY power available to my life, I ended up collecting 60 some portions of scripture relating to either JOY or PEACE which have had a strong power in my mind.
3. From about as young as I can remember I wanted to be a missionary and a teacher. God was gracious enough to let me experience the best of both. I have taught in a school classroom setting for a while. I have also taught in a Vacation Bible School format for many years. The 'missionary' part has also been varied. The Lord sent me on my first 'missionary' assignment to teach a 'mission' elementary school in the hills and hollers of West Virgnia. (Did you know that West Virginia only has 'three' directions? 'Up, down and around.) After I was married my husband and I spent six years in Zambia, Africa on mission. More recently I had the wonderful privilege of participating in two short term overseas mission trips to India - WOW!
4. During my high school days - which I navigated at a boarding school called Wisconsin Academny - I earned part of my tuition working at a 'book bindary'. Later, while a student teacher I again assisted with text book preparation. I guess the Lord was preparing me for another assignment. After the India mission trip God asked me to complete a series of lessons called 'HIS STORY - the Creator God of the Universe' . Each lesson includes some part of HIS STORY as well as word searches, questions, music, pictures or other activities so that the participant will be able to 'take part' rather than 'only read' in the learning process. It has been a challenge and yet a real blessing to me as well.
5. Another area of interest to me has been 'alternate' health. I would go to a Dr. if needed but there are also many 'remedies' other than 'drugs' that may work just as well and at times may be less expensive. After returning from Africa I found out that many symptoms I had experienced for many years were due to 'food allergies'. A common suggestion is to avoid the foods that bother, except I am allergic to around 100 vegetarian foods. Keeps life interesting. After trying many remedies I came across 'clay' . For me it has been a 'God-send' for it takes away the majority of my food allergy reactions often from within seconds to minutes. If you are interested in more about clay you can visit http://www.eytonsearth.org/
I also have 'airborne' allergies. Something that has helped me a whole LOT is an orange cleaner. If you are interested you can learn more at http://www.healthyhomesonline.com/
6. As mentioned earlier I am the fourth in my family - the oldest being a brother ten years older, then two older sisters and two younger brothers (one died shortly after birth but the other one is very much alive and well. He has a blog at http://www.clayfootsteps.blogspot.com/ which I find very thought provoking.) In fact he is the one who 'tagged' me.
7. I presently reside in the peidmont area of lovely Virginia. Just today we were out in our garden digging potatoes. Thanks to an extra dose of Vit. E my muscles are only telling me that I an not quite used to that kind of work on a daily basis, but not yelling and screaming that they have been abused.
8. Ah, the last of this assignment. What better way to end this 'tag' than to let the world know - at least the world of those who read this - that I love Jesus and would love to share with anyone who is interested some really neat things I have been learning about how God has wired our minds to operate at optimum capacity by tapping into two disctinct and yet closely related experiences which science today calls JOY and PEACE. And from my own life experience may I testify that what science has discovered WORKS! for real.
I will have to try to come up with 8 other blogsights later. It is getting late and I must get some sleep.
May God give you His peace just now
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
Enjoyed the little insights.
Happy gardening!
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