Early on this week the water pump shorted out leaving our farm with no 'running' water, except what we 'run' to get. Praise the Lord that happened before August when the 'service agreement' runs out. (We hope for 'well water' again some time next week.) Praise the Lord for the rain this week that replenished our rain barrels so we have water that can be used for toilets etc. The rain also knocked out our phone line. When calling to report that proplem I decided that the spirit of complaining wasn't making me happy for sure so I decided to 'be nice'. The operator offered to forward all calls to my cell phone for free while our land line was out. That turned out to be a real blessing for some friends wanted to come visit and they didn't know my cell phone number but I got their call anyway. I have been seeing more and more how my attitude so greatly affects what I see - both in others and in situations.
Is that one reason the Lord says "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid? "
Peace beginning in my attitude 'flavors' every other area of my life.
My present definition of 'sin' also deals in part with attitude. Here it is. Sin - an attitude, resulting in action when the opportunity presents itself, of any will other than God's will for me, for my life.
The Bible says that whatever is not of 'faith' is sin. My definition of 'faith' also deals in part with attitude. Faith - an attitude, resulting in action when the opportunity presents itself, of choosing and being in God's will for me, for my life.
So how does this all tie in with true Peace? One way is "Great Peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them."
So long as I choose to remain in God's will - Supreme love to the Creator God and loving others as myself - God gives me His 'great peace' as a love gift. Does that mean nothing will 'go wrong'? No! Does that mean every one will 'like me'? No!
Peace is my life often seems to 'come' to me 'in spite' of problems. Jesus promises "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
In the past when we have had trouble with our pump I got really upset. I could have had a repeat experience this time but having listened to the part of my brain that was trying to get me to have a 'repeat performance' as before of upset and frustrated, etc. I decided that since it had not helped me in the past I was going to 'react' differently. Having made that choice God gave me His peace - Praise Him!
It was even more evident in the matter of the phone. When I chose to 'be nice' instead of chewing out a phone operator who most likely couldn't do anything much about it anyway, I immediately had a 'change of attitude', Praise the Lord.
It has been a busy week on many 'fronts' in my life. I praise the Lord.
Oh, I have plenty of reason to tell others where they are wrong, but it just doesn't seem to be the way Jesus did things in His family of followers on a day by day basis.
He is called the Prince of Peace. The more I look at how He did things the more I believe I can 'act like Him'.
More later,
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
Hope equipment is working soon. It's difficult to feel or be peaceful when those things we take for granted aren't there.
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