Someone sent me an email that set me to thinking. Consider the following.
... For decades scientists have been trying to find out what holds the universe together by finding the smallest particles that are the foundation of all creation. Here it is ...Years ago scientists thought the Atom was the smallest particle inthe universe; then they split the Atom and found Electrons ... Years later they were able to break down Electrons and found Protons and Neutrons ... but it's not over yet. Later they were able to break down the Protons and Neutrons and found what they thought were the smallest particles of all ...Quarks. Ready for this? Not too long ago scientists finally broke down the Quark, what they thought was the smallest particle in the universe, and they found the root of every living particle that holds theentire universe and every living thing in it together ... VIBRATIONS, CAUSED BY SOUND WAVES ! HERE'S THE IMPORTANCE OF IT ALL ... The Bible, written over a period of thousands of years before there were any scientists, tells us that GOD SPOKE the entire universe into existence and that it is HIS SPOKEN WORD which is alive and living is what holds it all together ... Thus in the form of ... SOUND WAVES; once again proving ! that the Bible is really the Word of God and cannot be disputed.> >>> Pretty Cool, isn't it? He who kneels before God can stand before> >>> anyone!
In other 'studies' I have come to understand that 'sound' consists of 'vibrations' or 'frequencies'. Color is a label used when a person is 'seeing' 'frequencies'. Scientists can measure 'brain waves' and many more areas of life that, bottom line, involve frequencies, vibrations, waves, etc.
Is it so very far fetched, then, to accept that when I am in agreement with the Creator God of the universe -I am in harmony with Him, in sync with the vibrations emitting from Him, or in more Biblical terms, united to Him - that God's power will be 'seen', revealed in and through me?
Even more awesome is the realization that when I not only am in agreement with God but am sharing that love with others God uses me as an avenue for His love to flow out to others as well as return back to Him.
Interestingly enough I believe that is what Jesus said when talking to some of the leaders of His day. They asked Him what was the greatest command. His two part answer (Matthew 22:37-39) simply put is: Love God supreme and love others as you love yourself.
In this sense Harmony with God is true Peace.
Jesus warned us that in this world we would have problems. But then He went on to say, "Be of good courage, I have overcome the world." Combine that with Jesus' promise of "Peace I leave with You, My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." The kind of Peace Jesus gives is being in sync, in harmony with the Creator God of the Universe. WOW!! What power that is.
Peace to You today.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago