Scene one - I have just gotten up and am in the bathroom getting dressed when the phone rings. A friend is in distress and hopes I can come to her place as soon as possible. (Complete change of plans for the day. ) Result: most of the day spent at her place and seeing God bring peace.
Scene two - I recently got back home after spending most of the day with my friend. After eating supper I decided to work on a project here. We have been working to get the kitchen in the big farm house in a more useable condition for three people to share (not easy when each one thinks they need a whole kitchen for themselves as they had before coming here). Someone had given us some cabinets and we decided to put them up on an unfinished wall for use by one of the residents. As could be expected the other folks had 'objections' . One said we should wait until the wall was finished before putting the cabinet up (when will that happen?) The other couldn't figure out why more space was needed because the main part of the kitchen has been completed (and that resident has filled all those cabinets up) so why was more space needed? Interestingly enough the one who would receive the benefit of the current 'space' does the most cooking, or so it seems. Results: some folks won't 'get peace' because they are not looking to have peace.
Scene Three: I am reading a very special letter from a friend named David. He had some life challenges and shared some of what he learned with me in this letter. I think he wrote it more to God in the first place, but he shared it with me in hopes it would help me too. I've had it for a while but it came back to my mind (maybe because of some of the situations I am in as mentioned) so I got it out and reread it.
Open up to me, O Self-Existent One, for kind, merciful people have just about disappeared. Those who build up and foster trust have almost vanished from society. Those left arrange to devastate, ruin or make useless those around them while at the same time they talk nice to the very ones they are undermining. The Creator God will disconnect His life power source from all who speak one way and act the opposite, brag about themselves or twist what others say as well as those who think they can control others by their words, can talk as they choose and yet boast that no one else can tell them what to do.
“My response to the devastation of the depressed and the shrieking and groaning of those who have been forced to beg,” says the Creator God, “is that I will now protect from scoffers those who choose to accept My will for them”. (What the Creator says is as pure as completely refined silver.) O Self Existent One, You WILL protect and maintain those who have chosen to accept Your will for their lives even when those who are morally wrong surround them and unstable, tempestuous people appear to control.
(What David shared with me you might also call a 'prayer'.)
Current conclusion: Real peace comes from within. Genuine peace is not dependent on externals. While it may be nice to have everything 'just so', since I am presently in a 'war zone' that is not often the case. Then I thought of the following quote "Great Peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them." Psalm 119:165 Does that mean that when I feel offended it may be because I do not understand real love? Upon what is my focus? I am beginning to believe that experiencing 'Peace' has more to do with my 'life power source' rather than what is happening around me.
In the context of the 'war zone' I are presently living in it is basically whose side I choose to be on as to whether I will have 'peace' or otherwise. Here is the offer I received for choosing to be incorporated into the Creator God's family .
"Now the God of Peace fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost." Romans 15:13
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
When I read about your war zone, I almost have 'second thoughts' about our decision not to come there and live near you! But, you do use the bad experience for good 'life lessons' and perhaps that's what life is all about.
May you have a blessed day - and life.
Love, Linda
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