Wednesday, April 25, 2007


For some time I have been 'unpacking' some of the Psalms. By that I mean that I have attempted to understand not only the meanings of the words used in each Psalm and in context but then I spend time pondering what it means to me in the here and now.

At times I have shared some of those paraphrases here.

A friend seemed interested and asked if they could share with someone else some of these paraphrases. After thinking about it I decided to post them, as I complete them, at another blogsite. Each psalm deals with another aspect so they are not always directly related to 'Peace' but my desire (and I believe) is that they all will lead you to the God of Peace.

Visit my paraphrase site as you choose. It's link is listed on the right side.

I do desire that should you read any or all of them it will draw you closer to the God of Peace.

Bringer of Peace

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