It is rainy today. Praise the Lord! According to the weather people. We have never had a drier January - March since records have been kept.
Today is Sabbath - a day of spiritual rest and gladness, a day of joy and love. God gave me this Sabbath as a day to raise my affections from earth to things above.
This week is almost over. It seems at times I have been living in '911' land. But the God of the Universe has been through all of these experiences with me.
Just this morning in our worship time I read this quote. "Gratitude, rejoicing, benevolence, trust in God's love and care, -- these are health's greatest safeguard."
God is truly good. And the more I focus on Him, the more I realize that the goodness I am expressing isn't so much external (nice as that can be at times) but what God wants to do inside of me - in my heart.
This week we were able to get my office corner (of our living room) papered. It looks much better. If I could get blogger figured out I would add a picture, but for now we will just rejoice in what we have been able to complete as much as we did get done.
A friend of mine has had a 'rough' week in some respects. Yet as we have chosen to rejoice and be grateful together God has also been working miracles of love that have been awe inspiring.
Some things we rejoice about because we have 'seen' results. Other times of rejoicing are because God has promised and we are choosing to trust His heart. That is what is at times called 'faith'.
May the God of peace continue to be with you.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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