Sometimes we get so involved in what we consider intense situations that God's answers come somewhat as a surprise, yes, even a surprise of peace.
Last evening a friend was in what might be considered 'dire circumstances'. Someone else had said they would help, but time was passing toward a 'deadline' and 'nothing' seemed to be happening. My friend called me and I could sense urgency in her voice.
We shared together some of what God has done in the past, but when a person is really close to a potentially traumatic encounter, it can be difficult, at least at times, to focus on 'mere words' (although when internalized they are far more than words only).
While we were talking together, my husband and I agreed on a possible 'aid' that might help bring temporary relief to our friend's intense concern. We shared our intent with our friend and she seemed overwhelmed that we would even consider such an offer.
To make a long story short, we were not able to make good on our offer but the other person who 'was able', came through to avert a crisis.
As we talked with our friend this morning I was again impressed with some of the 'surprises' God uses to bring His peace into our lives. He is very much interested with our day to day needs. He is even more interested in planting His peace and JOY in our inner beings, our hearts.
That is one reason I believe I can put my full confidence in God's words such as "The JOY of the Lord is your strength." and "Great PEACE have they which love Thy Law and nothing shall offend them."
Yes, sometimes we can 'see' ahead of time how God is going to take care of us. Other times I sometimes wonder, especially when intense situations get right down to the 'end', so to speak, if God's surprises of peace aren't what we might need right then to increase our trust and confidence that God can take care of us any time, any where, any way, whether there seems to be a crisis or not.
Somehow I am also getting the feeling that these 'little' experiences are aimed at getting me ready for some 'bigger' ones ahead.
In the mean time, remember that whatever is happening in your life, you are special to God simply because you are one of His children, part of His family, someone He loves very much.
As You look to Jesus right now, think of how much He loves you and cares for you personally. Now, focus your mind on Jesus looking at you in return with a loving smile. And when He sees you are looking at Him, imagine Him breaking into a song of rejoicing. It makes God so glad when you 'see' Him just now.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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