Today has been rather eventful. A friend of ours was facing the very real possibility of being evicted and, more than that, her electricity could be cut off today and phone shut off.
What do you say or do in that situation? We have been praying together and claiming that God's will would be done. Friday of last week the possibility of financial assistance became known. There were a few possible hitches but she decided to 'go for it' anyway. Because of snow the check was delayed - not getting here until after 1 p.m. today. Then when we took her to the bank there were more problems. This bank was not her regular bank so she asked if we would drive her to a nearby city where the officers knew her personally for several years now. During the drive we kept encouraging each other to 'trust in the Lord'. While she was in the bank we prayed. After a short time she came out and reported success. To make a long story short, even though the bank is holding the check for a few days the phone company, electric company and landlord all agreed to 'wait' to be paid. Just a day or two before they had all been adamant that March 3 was 'cut off' time.
On the way home we stopped to use the rest area at a very nice station/store. My friend went in first and I followed shortly. While I was in the rest room she was 'dreaming' of a cup of coffee. I was planning to buy her one when I came out (she was broke) but when I walked up a man had offered to pay for a cup of coffee for her. To me it seemed like the 'cream' on a day of God's interventions. Even more interesting was that the man seemed very interested in her paintings so gave her his card and they plan to communicate more. She has been internationally known for paintings in the past and I believe God is reconnecting her to people who might once again purchase her works.
God is a God of mighty miracles and we had the privilege of watching Him at work today.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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