As a person thinks, so they become.
I was just listening to a biology professor sharing some 'new' information. There were many things he presented, but what literally 'jumped out at me' from what he was sharing is life changing.
In short, 'science' has 'discovered' that it is the 'mind', the 'heart' of a person that has control of the DNA, the genes, of each cell. When a person chooses to think 'negative' thoughts, those thoughts immediately begin to affect the very code of the body in adverse ways and begins to create 'chaos' in unhealthy manifestations.
Thank God, the opposite is also true. When a person accepts the JOY of the Lord - accepts that God loves them, that He loves to be with them, that they are special to Him no matter what happens to them; and who they are in Christ as the very premise of life, then health, strength AND peace that passes human understanding grows the physical body. WOW!
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.
How wonderful to realize that as I choose to believe God, He 'rewires' my very cells.
The JOY of the Lord - choosing to accept that God loves to be with me, is my strength - my life, my health.
The PEACE of God which passes understanding chosen by me - accepting in quiet confidence He loves me for who I am, not what I have done or not done - heals and matures me.
I learned more but I need to go for now.
Until later,
You are loved,
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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