A recent quote defined faith as taking hold of Omnipotence and refusing to be baffled. I found another description of faith today which I greatly appreciated as enlarging the scope of the first meaning. I'm making a poster but here is the 'added' definition.
Faith is the living power that presses through every barrier, overrides all obstacles, and plants its banner in the heart of the enemy's camp.
God is asking me to experience and practice more of that kind of 'faith' in the past few hours.
He has encouraged me by having my older brother share a couple of God actions in his life that I consider miracles. When he got the paper for adjustable mortgage it had dropped 2%. To him that was a real miracle, especially in these troubled economic times. God has also been using Him as a channel to bring deliverance from obvious demonic harrassment to some folks nearby. I praise the Lord .
Our son is on his way home, we hope real soon, but there have been spiritual barriers as well as 'paper tape'. There have also been obstacles of various and assundry kinds. He is not yet here so we keep hoping - turning future triumphs into present encouragement and joy and we are claiming God's kind of faith as we are aiming to plant God's banner of love in the heart of the enemy's camp.
Anyone who wishes please join us in praying for our son during this challenging time.
The God of mighty miracles, is marching through this land, healing hearts and healing homes with His Almighty hand. He's promised to create our home a happy family where love will overflow through time and all eternity.
O, take me now O Holy Spirit with Your mighty power. Do Your miracles in me right at this very hour. Glory, glory, God Almighty, it's Your matchless power. Praise God for Mighty Miracles right at this very hour.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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