Saturday night I was sick. Sunday I was weak but finally got up. Monday I had promised a friend to help her but definitely did not feel I was yet up to doing driving that I think she needed most. I was struggling in my mind as to what I should do and our son told me to just make a decision. As it turned out he was willing to go help our friend which left me a little more time to 'recupe'.
That time, though, wasn't only for physical 'rest' but I realized that my mind was also on a 'short fuse' or so it seemed. I asked the Lord to guide me and He reminded me of a recent presentation I had listened to where the speaker said to tell your 'old heart' to 'shut up' when it would get to complaining. We get 'old messages' that start to play back in our minds but they are not ones that the Lord has placed there. I decided to 'try it'. When the discouraging, 'poor me' thoughts would sneak in I would tell them to 'shut up'. In it's place I would choose to focus on words of praise and thanksgiving and also I would choose to smile. At times I sang out loud and other times I would simply sing a praise in my mind. Just choosing to smile - even though no one else was around - would do my own spirit good. I usually know when I smile, even if others don't notice.
And even though I often was still feeling on a 'short fuse', I found that God's words of praise and thanksgiving was 'peace' giving. The Lord also suggested some physical actions that I believe helped me - such as drinking more water, drinking some juice, getting outside, etc. His peace is for all of me, not just my 'spirit, or my body, or any 'part' alone.
My hubby is not feeling the best this morning so whatever caused my upset is probably some kind of 'bug'. (Our son had it first.) Whatever the cause, though, God wasn't caught by surprise and I believe these smaller 'practice' sessions are permitted by my wonderful Father in heaven so that when a 'bigger' happening occurs - primarily aimed at getting me out of God's peace - I will have learned better how to 'fight the good fight of faith' and 'stay' in God's peace rather than having to come back - which is better than losing it altogether, but not as good as if I 'stayed' in God's peace in the first place.
Some who read this will probably have other tips on how they have learned to 'stay' in God's peace. My brother has one of his favorite books on this topic called "Practicing the Presence" .
That title says it so well. As little children learn how to do things right by practice, so I as a part of God's family, learn how to 'stay' in God's Peace by practice. I'm not saved by the practice but it sure makes things easier after I do over and over again what God has shared with me by His loving power working through me both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
It is warmer today. There seems to be a bit of sun peaking through the clouds after a day of rain. Our son is out helping our friend and my hubby just came home because his stomach is still very upset and his boss told him to go home. It is another day to 'practice peace' in my Lord.
Join me in keeping our eyes on our heavenly Father so He can teach us more about His peace and how to experience it in our whole life.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
1 comment:
My stomach has been the same way! Got over the acute nausea, but uncomfortable with the reoccuring irritating nausea. Have had to call off from work - something that is depressing for me to do. (I think my patients need ME.) Also, have those "poor me" thoughts when I don't feel well. Like you, getting outside or even taking some quiet time to look out the window at the sunshine and thinking positive thoughts does help a lot. I had to get a doctor's note to return to work, so went to the office today. He discovered an infected EAR too. No wonder coughing hurts! Can't work for at least 3 more days.
Thinking of you with love - Take Care
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