Yesterday was my hubby's birthday. We may not have done lots of special 'things' but just the peace of knowing that he has been given another year of life was a real gift. Even though he is several years older than I am, God knew who I needed as a life partner. He has been so supportive and loving. I'll have to admit that we haven't always come instantaneously to agreement but I do know that not only does he love me but he also loves the Lord and wants to do God's will. That is a gift that I cannot put a monetary value upon.
A few weeks ago we took the TV out of our house. Since that time, particularly in the evenings, my hubby has often read to me. He says he gets more out of it when he reads, which is very fine with me. He has been reading often from Desire of Ages, a classic book on the life of Christ.
As I think back over the past 34 years I have so many things to thank God for in my relationship with my hubby. We were married in 1974 and moved to Africa in 1977. Shortly after we arrived in Africa my hubby almost died - his liver did for a while - but the Lord saw fit to lift him back from an almost certain grave and give us many more years together.
We returned to the states in 1983 to find his folks in a 'not good' situation. His step-father (his own father had died when he was 7) was in very poor health and so my dearheart gave his love in the form of 'night duty' for the last few months of his father's life.
After his step-father died it took quite a while for his mother to get stabilized. A couple of years later after mom seemed to be doing better, we returned to Georgia (where we had trained and where we had gotten married) in answer to a request that we return to the Institute as staff.
A few years later his mother came to live with us when it became apparent she was not doing well by herself any longer. Then, in 1997 we accepted a request from a dear friend of ours to come and help her on her farm. She and my husband's mother were very close so to 'mom' it was almost like 'coming home'. Mom went to sleep in Jesus almost a year after we moved but I am so thankful we had the privilege of caring for her during her last year of life.
The lady who had asked us to come back to Virginia was also like a mother to us. She viewed both of us as her 'children' and we lovingly considered her as 'mother'. In 2001 she died in my arms after a short illness. The hours before she died she expressed her desire to see God's work progress in this area. She shared with the pastor her dream to see a new church built on property she had donated. And near the end she requested that I not leave her. Even though it was hard on both my beloved and myself, we have the blessed hope of seeing her, mom and dad as well as my parents who have died, some day real soon.
Life has gone on for us. My lover has done so many things over the years to show me he loves me. He didn't have very many mentors to 'show' him, perhaps, but in my mind he has done a tremendous job of letting me know and experience his love.
Just before the lady who has been a 'mother in Israel' died she let us know that she had made provision that we could live on her place as long as we should choose. That has been a real blessing for us. The place, however, had gotten 'run down' and in need of many repairs. So, since her death, we have been in more or less of a state of 'remodeling'. There are two houses and both of them have needed help. The larger house - in my opinion - has had more need, so we have spent more in and on it thus far. My husband has a lot of knowledge in remodeling but since he is still working full time, time has been almost as much of an issue as the 'know how'.
But, with perseverance and some much appreciated help from my brother and others we are making progress. This past Sunday we tore out the steps to the basement which were not in good shape. We are moving the opening over so as to be able to put some cabinets in along an outside wall. The 'door' into the basement is actually on the floor - something like a trap door. Duane helped in the demolition but another man, who is staying here right now, has promised to get the job 'done' - hopefully this week, especially since he has some folks who plan to spend the night over the weekend.
Last evening after we paid for the lumber needed for the steps replacement, my hubby came with me to the 'garden department' where we picked out what I hope will be all the items needed to finish the flower garden in front of our house. I have an area for a water fountain but last year I was not able to get the 'pond' part 'water tight'. We finally decided to just 'buy' containers rather than be in a state of incomplete for another season. He encouraged me to get what was needed and even picked out some 'wave' petunias to add beauty and more 'love letters from Jesus' to those who would pass by. (Every flower you can consider a love letter from Jesus.)
I sang Happy Birthday to my lover yesterday. I thank God that He has seen fit to give him another year of life. And I am thankful for each day I have with him as well.
These blessings are all the result of the "Prince of Peace" - Jesus. I hope you too can see how God has given you His gracious love. It may not be through a spouse, but if you look, you will see God - the real God who is gracious, merciful, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth - pouring out His love to you in ways He sees as best.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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