Divine Appointment
Maybe that would describe at least some of what has happened this past week.
Since my husband is no longer 'hired' by a company who gives him so much money per hour in exchange for his labor, he was able to go with me as we participated in a week long Evangelism training, Revival/Week of prayer.
The person in charge has a burning desire for people who love God to 'get out of the box' not only in their thinking about who God is (which is essential for most people, I believe), but in how to share God's love and passion with others. He does happen to be a minister of the good news that God loves. He also happens to have an area of 'labor' allocated to him by his church of 7 counties in south west Virginia that has a multitude of physical, economic and spiritual challenges. Over and above that he has a burning desire to train, equip and encourage 10,000 African young people in 'out of the box' methods and ways of sharing God's love with others. He is in no way content to just have those passions by himself, but is constantly looking for ways to be contagious around others.
He wanted me to go with him and a group who did go with him to Africa last summer, but I couldn't quite wrap my brain around the financial 'how'. I have a feeling he is not going to let US off the hook quite as easily this year.
During this past week's activities we participated in a variety of activities. Every morning we spent anywhere from an hour to close to two hours doing an 'inductive' type study of the first few chapters of Ephesians. The Spirit of the Lord was in that place, to put it mildly.
Later each day we listened as another person shared some basics of 'how' to share God's good news with others. There were plans to implement some of what was being learned but very poor weather at times hampered some of the 'practical applications'.
The director had asked if during the week I would lead out in a spiritual focus for a nearby church elementary school so each afternoon I shared with the children God's plan for them to 'reconnect' with Him. Because this was spiritually based I used the old testament sanctuary model to illustrate steps each person can cooperate with God in to return to our allegiance and loyalty to the Creator.
The last couple of days I also introduced them to the 'Armor of God' and how to apply each one of those 'illustrations' to their own spiritual walk with Jesus and using those 'tools' in sharing God's love with others.
Part of the challenge for me in preparing for my part in this presentation was both my computer and printer, which is very commonly the case. (When I am asked to present these precious concepts it is almost rare that something doesn't go technically wrong somewhere and/or sometime.
For some weeks before even knowing that we would be going my computer began arguing with Coreldraw (where I have done all my lessons and where they are stored). It got to the place that if I could even open the program I couldn't change anything or it would 'crash'. When we accepted the invitation to share with children I wanted to print out the lessons. For a good share of the time during week before we left I 'argued' with my 'equipment', as well as praying that God would guide me. At times I could get it to print a few pages before it would 'crash' again. In that way, by the day we left we were finally able to 'print' 16 complete sets of lessons for the children's presentations plus a few other things to show.
I decided to take my printer with us just in case I needed more materials. I'm not sure what happened (other than God's direct intervention) but Coreldraw started to cooperate at least part of the time. Part of the time the printer also 'cooperated'. To make a long story short, we spent quite a bit of our 'free time' while there printing additional material for folks who were interested, as well as several sets more of the children's material (we found out when we got there that we needed 3 more sets). We still had technical difficulties on a fairly regular basis, but I thank the Lord for not only being able to share what He has so abundantly shared with us but also for what we learned from others by the Lord.
God's kind of peace is a gift. God wants us to learn how to make His gifts so attractive that others are drawn to choosing to accept them in their lives as well. That has been one of my primary goals when developing lessons for children, youth and more recently more adult level.
During the last few days some other folks joined us at the 'camp'. One lady came over from the southeast coast area of Virginia. We were friends from earlier years so spent some time 'catching up'. What seemed very interesting to me, however, was that I had sensed that in some way, some how, some time, there was going to be what I have 'labeled' a 'Divine appointment'. As we spoke she expressed that the Lord had impressed her that during the time at this meeting there would be a 'Divine appointment'. Several things happened that could be label as such, but I believe as times goes on we will see more clearly what God's plans are, as they unfold.
Even with all the activity and training, the longer we spent together with others who loved God as well as in learning from God, the more of God's Spirit was manifested - or perhaps the more we began to perceive what He was doing. God's kind of peace is not only sweet, but is life giving as well. I praise God for both the experience as well as the time we were able to take at this 'retreat'.
Time is passing and I have other things I need to do - having just gotten back home.
Until we meet again may God's sweet Spirit fill your life with His love.
God loves you.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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