I just finished 'unpacking' Psalm 60. That is one fascinating passage. (My paraphrase has been posted at the link to the right) The last several verses (6-12) are repeated almost exactly in Psalm 108 so I am planning to look at that passage next - sort of comparing and possibly contrasting the two portions of scripture.
Other than time with the Word, we have also been trying to 'catch up' with a variety of jobs here at the farm after being gone for a week to the evangelism training event mentioned in an earlier blog.
Another activity, which seems to be increasing in frequency, has been responding to requests from family and friends to pray either with or for them in varying degrees of 'emergency'. That opportunity I value highly. I consider myself a little like a 'hose'. Most people don't usually think of or maybe even notice the hose, but the water can flow through it to where it is most needed - where the hose is directed. God is the power source. He has asked for us, His people and family, to become a 'hose', a channel, a conduit, through which His love flows out to where it is most needed. One advantage to being a water hose is that I also come in contact with the water as it flows through me to where it is needed.
Just before we left for the training week our son took off for Michigan with his girlfriend to spend some time, I understood anyway, with her parents and family. We haven't heard much from them but hope all is well. That leaves the 'home front' quieter in a variety of ways. They didn't take time before leaving (they had a time constraint) to get all their things put away so we have been working on that project as well. Even if I do say so myself, I think our son's room looks pretty good at present. Yesterday we were also able to rearrange things to make the rest of the house more liveable, and hopefully organized, as well. Today we gave our dog a bath so he has had time in the house - to make sure he is well dry before going back outside again. Usually he stays outside most of the time.
Our weather this winter has had some cold days, but for the most part I would say it has been more of a 'middle of the road' winter - not as cold as some and not as warm as others. Since we heat with wood my hubby has been spending time splitting wood, especially since he is not working for pay elsewhere. There are not as many people in the big farm house so they haven't been using as much wood lately - very good on the wood supply. We probably wouldn't have had enough wood otherwise. Our house is smaller and we have a more efficient stove so we don't use near as much wood as the bigger farm house. I don't think we always keep our place as warm as they sometimes kept the big house, either.
As we think about the future we don't know all God has in store, but we do know that God is more interested in us getting to know who He really is and what He is really like than anything else. I have been thankful for what I have been learning these past few weeks and months but I know there is a whole lot more yet for me to learn. I have been challenged in a good way by some of what has been posted at http://clayfootsteps.blogspot.com/ along these lines. You may want to visit there some time as well.
One of the reasons we went to the evangelism training week was that I was asked to share with the local church elementary school what we call 'Passport to Life'. Several folks at the event became interested in my materials so one project I need to get busy with is printing materials to share with folks who have requested copies. I thank God for the privilege of being able to share.
We also received another request to share the Passport to Life with a group of Juniors in April in Tennessee. That may be a little ways away but I hope to get materials ready before we go instead of trying to 'print' it while we are there. They are anticipating upwards of 50 in attendance. They had around 30 last year but are meeting in a larger facility so expect more.
Time is marching on and we have much to do before the day is over. We are looking forward to this evening as the setting sun welcomes Sabbath - the day upon which God rested and then blessed and then invited us to join Him in praise and worship to Him. Wherever you are we invite you also to join us in the Sabbath time God calls a delight in honor of His creation of this world.
May God speak peace to you today as you choose to make Him your King and Saviour.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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