I found out the last part of Psalm 60 and the last part of Psalm 108 were basically the same. Having finished Psalm 60 I decided to compare it with Psalm 108. (My Psalm 108 paraphrase is posted at link on right)
Psalm 108 almost seemed to be using the second part as sort of a 'chorus' (the part that was the same as Psalm 60).
The first part of Psalm 108 does seem to be much more positive than the first part of Psalm 60.
Psalm 108: 1-6 describes David's choice to really focus on the Majestic, Everlasting God by using his talents of poetry and music in worship. He also expresses his desire to celebrate God's intense benevolence and loving favor to those around him as well as to the whole world.
I am becoming convinced that the more time we spend focusing on God and learning more of what He is really like the more we will become like Him - as the Bible says "By beholding we become changed".
The more time I have taken in looking at the Psalms the more word pictures I have discovered there about my wonderful Saviour and King.
I thank God for these precious gems of truth and pray others can be blessed as well.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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