Monday, February 9, 2009

Psalm 61 visited

It seems that I am not very good when it comes to importing material for my blog. I have argued (if that is a correct word) with this program now for the last several minutes, trying to type in some simple words.

Oh well, can't win them all. I'm pretty sure it is simply one or two 'small steps I happen to be missing. That is what happened when I was first introduced to DOS (Disk operating system) many years ago when I first started working on a computer. Back then I would almost be in tears every time I would attempt to start up the computer to do some work. Fortunately my 'boss' would come to the rescue and get me to where I needed to go. DOS and I never did get along. When Microsoft Windows was introduced as an operating system on computers I made an 'agreement' that I would let others handle any DOS 'talk'. I seemed to be able to navigate much better in Windows - even to this day.

Back to now. This morning I was attempting to upload Psalm 61 into the paraphrase link at the right and it almost seemed to be a repeat of my experiences with DOS. I would do one thing but the computer would take my request and do something else - or at least so it seems to me. It would change font sizes, crowd letters and other sorts of 'mess ups'. But enough of those minor difficulties for now.

I would encourage you to read the entire Psalm 61 paraphrase but I am also going to share a portion of it here as well.

This is one of the Psalms where David focuses primarily on one thought. (I do like that approach now and then.)

It seems obvious that David, at times anyway, struggled with depression. In this Psalm he's asking God's help.

"O God, carefully listen to me . . . . When depression tries to cover me, lift me out of it completely and into Your presence."

David goes on to describe what it is like to him to be in God's presence.

"You have been to me like a secure garden filled with lovely, fragrant flowers."

David goes on to reaffirm his choice to daily keep his promises because of what God is doing in him.

"I will joyfully sing to You from now on, Lord, which will empower me to daily keep my covenant promises to You."

Even with computer challenges and more, I can choose to daily praise the Lord too.

Join me today in joyful praise to our Loving Lord.

Bringer of Peace

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