A few days ago a rather recent friend - who happens to be staying at our place temporarily, along with his lovely mother,(He is here 'involuntarily' because of a legal problem that someone else 'created', if you please) - asked if we would be willing to spend time with him in God's Word. We were very happy to agree to his request. We have been making time to 'eat' God's word often with a specific purpose of getting to know the Creator God better.
Previous to his request I had been suggesting to him that at least some of his health problems might have a 'spiritual' cause as well as physical. (I am aware that many illnesses can begin in the mind and/or heart.) I hope and pray that he has been blessed but I know for sure that I have been.
The first couple of evenings we spent time looking at Psalm 32. In KJV there is a word used that I 'thought' I had a pretty good handle on what it means. To me 'bless' or 'blessed' meant speaking good to, for, through, or about someone else (often God). In the process of 'unpacking' Psalm 32 we took another look at 'bless' in the context of that Psalm. Speaking good can apply, but as we checked out Strong's concordance another definition also began to emerge in relation to 'bless'.
Whatever bless means it has be able to apply to both God and us. The Bible says God blesses. It also commands us to 'bless the Lord' (Psalm 103). Anyway, in our study time together an added thought about 'bless' began to surface. Bless - to consider the one being blessed as worthy of respect
That is not difficult for me to believe in my relationship with God. He is definitely worthy to be respected - highly respected.
What got really awesome to me was that God is in the business of blessing me - considering that I am worthy to be respected. WOW! Over and over again God blesses His earth based family - He considers that His family here on earth are worthy to be respected.
I can't spend much longer right now writing but take God's blessing with you today - the realization that God considers that you, personally, are worthy to be respected. And not only that you are worthy to be respected but He does respect you - yes you.
That thought alone is enough to make a person joyful. You are special to the God of Peace. In His presence is fullness of JOY as well as the peace only He can give.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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