A friend (see link to 'On the Road') wrote about some of her dreams. She set me to thinking along the lines of some dreams that have 'come' in my life as well as some that are still in the 'dream' stage.
Yesterday afternoon our son, his girlfriend and I were talking together for a few minutes. In one sense I think we are all in the process of 'change' at present. He returned from some training time and is now trying to find a 'niche' for himself. His girlfriend came over this way for a little while and she also has been looking for 'work'. As mentioned earlier we have dared to dream of moving and as part of that process have begun to pack.
I believe that enough evidences of God's leading have been demonstrated to us that we will soon be moved. But in the meantime there are still day to day activities to perform, monthly bills to pay, and others to consider in our relationships with them.
At times I seem to get to get so caught up with what we call 'now' that I forget to dream. While we were talking together for a few minutes I asked son what he might do if he were given the 'job' of 'restoring' the present farm where we are now located. He began to 'dream' out loud. Personally I rather enjoyed just listening to his dreams for a few minutes. I don't think my hubby was as 'in tune' for he began to 'get worrried'. I reminded him these were dreams. If it hadn't been for dreams we wouldn't be where we are today.
If we forget to check our 'vision' the Bible says we will perish. I know, there are some dreams that others may consider impossible. Let them think that. Some are so anchored in what they consider 'reality' they can't see beyond.
For me it was around 5 years from the time I dreamed of going to Africa (the first time) before 'we' went. When the Lord spoke to my heart, "Olive, I want you to go to Africa", I at first accepted it but then laid it aside as just the 'excitement of the hour'. What followed was one of the most depressing times I have ever experienced. I finally told God something along the line of the following. "I don't have any money, I don't have any connections, but I choose Your will. If you want me to go to Africa I am willing."
Looking back at that 'dream', or 'vision', I believe God didn't want me to 'go alone' so during those five years He directed in me uniting my life with the one who has been my lover now for 34 years. We united in a God blessed union November 10 1974. God gave us a little while to 'meld' and then in March 1977 we headed to Africa to share with others about our wonderful, loving God.
Shortly after arriving in Africa, my hubby's liver died for a couple of weeks, but God restored him to health and we 'grew' spiritually and mentally as well as sharing God with others there for about 6 years before returning to the states.
There have been other 'past' dreams in my life as well. I dreamed of becoming a teacher of children almost since I can remember. God knew that dream before I realized what it was. I didn't follow what some would call a typical teaching career but as I look back I can see God's leading not only in the training experiences but also where and who I have had as 'students'. I did more formal elementary educational training in a small school in Georgia. The first 'classroom' experience after my training program was out in the hills of West Virginia. While in Africa that training was also utilized both with children and later in teaching older students in the higher levels of our training program there.
Even before I was married the teacher training was only part of a bigger 'course' God had in store. That bigger course included teacher training as well as nursing care, home care and healthful cooking both in homes and in a vegetarian style restuarant setting as well as in a lifestyle center diet kitchen.
But time goes on. Does that mean I shouldn't 'dream' anymore? Dare I? Have all dreams been fulfilled? Somehow it seems that lately I have begun to 'dream' again in new ways. In some ways it also seems the dreams are getting bigger. I am thankful for God's leading in my past life and somehow I think that is one reason I believe He is not only still in control but He is almost impatiently urging us on to 'bigger' dreams, broader goals, higher motives than we have functioned on in the past.
"This is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent"
That is God's dream - Jesus' dream - for me, for you.
I am also convinced that part of God's dream for me is that I can be 'exhibit A', so to speak, of what He can do in a human being. I dream that my life will become so much like Jesus that when people see the physical 'me', they will learn more about my wonderful heavenly father just because they have gotten to know me.
And yes, there are some other dreams still in the expansion stage - in my heart and life. I dream of returning, at least short term, to Africa with my hubby. I am also dreaming of sharing with others about my heavenly Father, both with written lessons the Lord pushed me into completing recently and with media outreach based on the lesson materials. As part of that bigger dream I also have dreamed for years of sharing scripture songs, both in notation form and audio recordings, with folks to encourage them to 'hide' God's word in their hearts so they no longer choose other than God's will for them and thus become more like Jesus themselves.
As mentioned above I am dreaming of moving into a little 'nest' home of our own. But somehow I believe that is only to give us a 'corner' from which to do much broader service for God. Why do I feel that way? For many years I have had a hidden dream to be able to help people know God better. Yes, in that direction I have made mistakes. One of those mistakes was to try to 'only' help them with their 'physical' problems - which has many times seemed to me to have failed. As big as the physical problems might be, I am becoming convinced that only those who realize their need of Christ in their lives will be able to 'dream' big enough to allow God to 'save' them as He so longs to do - both spiritually and physically. Part of my dream is to be a channel through which God's dream for others might be instilled in them as well.
I believe God has big dreams for all of us. In the meantime life does move on. The dishes are waiting for me this morning. And as my friend at 'On the Road' so delightfully put it, there is 'dusting' to do.
So in closing, dream, dream big, dream a God shaped dream and He will direct your paths. I know that for sure. And God's dreams for you include His peace in your heart - not just in heaven, or way off in the future, but also in the here and now.
Go in Peace with Jesus
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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