It has been interesting to try to 'look' at my feelings recently. We have lived at our present location for over 11 years. Many other folks have, at different times, also been here. Some stopped by to visit. Some came to help. Some came because it seemed they had no place else to go. We thought we had a big heart - and I still hope that is true. But I believe that the Lord is changing our direction after these many years living here.
In one sense we have felt 'tied down'. I was just reading this morning the vital importance of love's kind of unity. One of the primary signs that we love Jesus is that we strive for unity in diversity with others of the family of God. While that is essential, it is also a known fact that two (or more) cannot walk together unless they are agreed. Sad to say, that is one thing I don't believe we have been able to accomplish here on the farm. Each one who has lived here for any length of time has had their own agenda. It also seems that often they have had their own complaints when others had their own agenda who had their complaints when others . . . . . ad nauseum at times (or frustration other times).
Somehow I sense that God is working to not only teach us some lessons but to set us 'free' in the sense that we can do His will for us in sharing with others about His love and not be so embedded in a 'ford' property (fix or repair daily).
The Lord pushed me into developing a set of lessons sharing 'HIS STORY - the Creator God of the Universe'. It began when I was on a trip to India a number of years ago but took me until recently to 'complete'. I have been asking the Lord what His will is for the "HIS STORY" project. There are indications He may ask us to take 'HIS STORY' to other places from time to time. Having our own little place would make that possibly easier.
We had dreamed of developing a ministry here on the farm where others could find spiritual as well as physical healing. The Lord has given us a wealth of information in these lines for which we praise Him. But it seemed that whenever we began to dream in that direction, a contest (or perhaps more accurately a contention) would arise that seemed to need immediate attention, but it was also distracting from ministry. Maybe it is our own opinion, but it also seemed that 'fixing' the farm up was also mainly 'our' project.
Over the past month or so it seems the Lord has opened up the opportunity for us to move. It will be somewhat less property but a much nicer house. There are some woods and a small pond with the house part way up a rolling hill at the new place. We are thankful.
When we move it does not guarantee no problems, but as each one who has been here gets settled in their own places we do feel the Lord is giving us a freedom on our part as they will no longer have us to 'blame' or use us as an excuse for their difficulties. They will no longer have us a property managers 'over them' (as they seem to believe at present). They will have their own 'utilities' to handle and they will have their own property to take care of in whatever way they choose. That will also be a big relief to us as well.
Looking Forward it will be up to us to stay so close to Jesus that no matter what happens we can be in His PEACE and JOY. We are claiming God's will done and rejoicing that He who has begun a good work in us will finish it as He has promised.
Looking a little more forward I sense God has got some other people He wants us to share "HIS STORY" with. We had thought there was a call from Africa and to my knowledge the Lord hasn't taken it back. It will be interesting to see what He is planning.
Back to the present, we are still packing. The contract has been signed on the property. It is exciting to see what God is doing. Being confident in His love brings peace and JOY.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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