When son and I started on our trip to Michigan we had opportunity to talk together. That, as a mother, was a wonderful experience. With our busy schedules it seems we sometimes hardly see each other much less get time to 'talk'. We talked about a lot of things. Some topics were more touchy than others. It gave me more to pray about for which I praise the Lord.
After talking for a while son put in a CD for us to listen to. The talk was about our 'words'. I have always believed there was power in God's word. According to the Bible it was presented that every person's words also have power. And when our words agree, or synchronize with, God's Word, then what we say has the combined power of God's power and our power.
God could allow the power of our words to be in full effect all of the time, but if He did we might kill ourselves by our 'words'.
The Bible says "By your words you will be justified, by your words you will be condemned." That indicates at least some of the power in 'word'.
"Word' isn't only that which a person 'speaks'. There is also 'written' word, and 'visual' word. I believe that in this context there is also 'acted' word and 'thought' word.
By my word! I can 'justify' myself or 'condemn' myself by my words. I can make 'just' by my words - written, spoken, thought, seen, acted - or I can condemn myself. That is a 'wow'!
What is even more thrilling is that as I agree with God's word His power combines with the power of my word thus making it infinite in scope.
God has promised Peace for those who accept His love and allow that wonderful love to flow through them to others - which is the fulfilling of the royal law of liberty, God's love law.
That was one 'eyeopener' along the trip to Michigan.
There were several other high points but for now I will share at least one other.
The 'blessing' experience - 'bat-barakah' - took place in the afternoon of God's holy day, the Sabbath.
My brother spent many hours and days in preparation for this special 'planting' of the seeds of blessing for his daughters.
I believe that my brother's daughters were blessed and I know that I was deeply blessed.
God had integrated special times of blessing into each person's life. According to the Bible a child was to receive a blessing just by being born. In Bible times there would be a feast at a baby's birth. And when a baby was weaned and became a 'child' there was another feast celebrating this milestone. In the Hebrew culture when a child became an adult the family and the whole community celebrated in a special ceremony called 'bar-mitzva' (son of the law) or 'bat-mitzva' (daughter of the law) this maturity level. Marriage was the next maturity level celebration to begin 'parenthood'.
The time of the 'bar-mitzva' had to do with 'law'. Because of Christ's death the name 'bat- barakah' (daughter of the blessing) is now being used. My brother and his lovely wife gave a very special seed of 'blessing' to two of their 'daughters'. Those of us who were there were also 'blessed'.
Another blessing was the opportunity to see friends from Michigan and other areas who had come together to celebrate with my brother, his wife and their daughters.
Upon arrival back in Virginia it seemed that I hardly had a chance to 'slow down' before a number of other 'challenges' were 'added'. A lady who I help part time had been previously 'sued'. The process has been long and drawn out but it seems that for every seeming 'crisis' I have been learning more about God's love, joy and peace.
Some months ago shortly after I began helping her she became curious as to why I would not 'work' on the seventh day Sabbath. The continuing experience of sharing with her the 'rest', 'blessing' and 'unity' God integrated into true Sabbath delight has been an ongoing learning experience for me as well as her. This past Sabbath evening was a true love feast. We sang, we prayed and we even ate together as we experienced God's love together.
I need to go for now.
May a special portion of God's love, joy and peace be yours.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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