I have often thought of a river as something which has accumulated. You know, water begins at a spring - water coming up out of the earth - or rain comes down and the rainwater runs off the land to join the water from springs forming into creeks, which join together to form streams and, as the flow of water gets bigger, it becomes what we call a river. The rivers we know of usually flow into a larger body of water - sea, lake, ocean or similar.
It is interesting that my mind went back to the 'first' rivers recorded in the Bible. Before the flood of Noah's time this earth didn't work in quite the same way waterwise. Before the flood there was no rain as we know it. God had created this world with a layer of water above the earth and a layer of water below the earth. (see Genesis 1:6-10 for more details.) In the evenings there was a mist that would 'water' the whole earth. Genesis 2 describes the first river as flowing out of Eden, dividing into four rivers and going out to water 'the whole earth' (See Genesis 2:10-14) which sounds like just the opposite of today's water systems.
But in the concepts I have been thinking about in relation to 'peace like a river', could it be that the original 'river' picture might give a better idea of what God is trying to say?
In the new testament Jesus said, He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38
Could it be that God is looking for people, who will allow themselves to be 'sources' of this 'river of peace'? Wow! What an awesome opportunity.
Of course, in order for that kind of peace to 'flow out to others' it must be inside to begin. This is were I am perceiving why Jesus keeps saying 'Abide in Me'. As I am united to the 'water source', what 'flows out' from me will be 'peace like a river'.
I'm sure there is more, but until then,
May the God of peace make you 'at-one' both in Him and in His family here on earth.
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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