I suppose I have been thinking about 'quietness' in part because at the moment I can't talk. Last evening I completely lost my voice. I normally 'teach' a class of young children at our church every week. I suppose the children could 'hear' me when I whisper, but I have yet to learn how to 'sing' without 'sound'. Without music the class looses much of its attraction for children. I called some friends and they are taking the class of children today.
So, here I sit, 'writing' along the lines of 'words' and 'quietness'.
Most often we think of words as what we 'say' - our speech. That is very true. And it is also true what Jesus said in Matthew 12:37 "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
Written words, however, are also very important. The whole Bible is 'written' words and we know a little of the impact those words have on a person - especially when those words are accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit in one's heart and life.
Putting together what I have been learning from some of my recent studies in Psalms it seems David wrote a lot about the effects of 'words'. I just recently 'unpacked' Psalm 57 (see paraphrase link to right for the entire chapter). David had some strong things to say about the effects of words. In Psalm 57:4 David described 'negative' communication in rather strong terms.
"Roaring and yelling surround me. People spew out burning, acrid words. They lay seige on me with cutting, blasphemous language."
In verse 6, however, David expresses another very interesting concept.
"Their determined plans to trap me as I move from place to place depress me, causing me to feel worthless and empty. Yet, in those very plots they laid for me they themselves have been entrapped."
I definitely need to be more careful in what I say. It may come back to either 'haunt' or 'help' me - depending on what I said or written.
Thankfully, words can also communicate 'positive', uplifting sentiments, - both spoken and written. In Psalm 56 David expressed his choice to have confidence in God - even using God's own words - to reinforce himself.
Ps. 56: 3 - 4 But, when I am tempted to get terrified, I renew my determination to have confidence - feel safe - in You, God, by boasting in You (usuing Your own words) to boldly declare my security in You. I will not dread or even be afraid of what people try to deal out to me.
Sadly, another recent experience reminded me how weak I am in the area of 'words'. A few of us were talking about some recent events here at the farm (Who needs artificially developed hollywood type 'soap operas' when you live at a place like this farm. ). Sad to say. we fell into a 'complaint' session. I hope you have never participated' in anything of that kind, but you may know what I mean anyway - 'so and so did such and such'; ' he did this or that'; she said' . . . about . . . , 'ad nauseum'.
Fortunately the Lord got hold of one person's mind in the group and they 'called' the rest of us on what we were doing and saying - particularly the complaining and 'gossiping'. When I recognised what I had just been involved in I also realized that, if possible, I was more guilty. I have been studying the above Psalms and should have 'known' better. Needless to say, I really felt bad and went back to each person involved and ask their forgiveness for taking part in that negative, even 'acid' form of communication activity.
I guess the above is more of an example of how to not have God's kind of quietness and peace.
So, how can I learn to have God's kind of quietness (as well as my not being able to 'talk' for a while.)
Well, for one thing, God's kind of quietness is not so much having to do with 'not talking' as it has to do with one's personal 'attitude', at least as I am presently beginning to see 'good' quietness.
For a few months there was a person here on the farm that talked and talked and ta. . . . I came to the conclusion that to that person, anyway, a 'lie' had been implanted early in their life that talk was a primary means of extracating one's self from any difficulty. What became even more obvious to me, however, was that from the outside (me looking on) more and more talk only seemed to make matters worse. I can't think of any time in my previous life when I have 'heard' so many 'stories' concerning any particular situation as I have while 'listening' to that person. Even more interesting was that stories would be presented to me (even when I had been involved in a story) and tales would be spun that because of personal involvement I knew to not be true - although there were 'elements' of facts scattered here and there so as to try to make it look plausible, if possible.
Our son had asked me to listen to a fairly recent 'popular' song a few months ago. Each verse of the song would describe some circumstances of which the whole song was about. Then, in the chorus the singer said 'this is my story and I'm stickin' to it'. I laughed as I listened to the singer 'explaining' what had happened and then in the next verse changing his 'story' - again and again and yet ending each verse with: 'this is my story and I'm stickin' to it'.
The talker is no longer here on the farm. Actually, I do feel sorry for the talker, though. In my mind it should be much easier to speak the truth in love - and really 'stick' to it' - rather than coming up with so many variations on similar themes. And, for what it is worth, how does one keep track of what has been said before so as to agree? Maybe by then it doesn't matter.
In the long run, that kind of a mentality would be hard put to be 'quiet', with so many tales.
Enough of the negative. What about God's plans for peace?
God's kind of quiet and peace trusts God because the 'story' doesn't keep changing.
There most likely will be problems in each person's life. Yes. But even a lack of problems doesn't guarantee quiet.
For one reason, God's kind of quietness instills confidence that since God knows all and He loves me, I can 'rest' in His loving care. It is not up to me to 'come up' with a 'story'. And since God already knows what is best for me as well as 'knows' the story, I can and will be quiet in Him.
And even when others 'come up' with tales, God still is God and He already knows what is going on. I also believe that as we stay with Him, He will eventually bring truth to 'light'.
Another experience this week made that point very clear.
In working with another friend a rather tense situation between my friend and another person in some position of authority over my friend had been nervously increasing for some time.
During the past few weeks the tension level has speeded up due to some very unfortunate circumstances. Yesterday I went over to pick up a few items my friend asked me to 'take away'. While there a person 'representing' the authority came by with questions as to what 'I' was doing. To make a long story real short, some 'truth' came out that I believe can lead to a great reduction in the tension level. A lot of 'stories' had been 'flying' around but evidently there was also enough 'error' in each of them to create a lot of 'havoc, to say the least.
I believe God has been allowing certain things to happen in order to 'reveal', - or perhaps more correctly - bring to judgment (allow decisions to be made) in the situation involving my friend. The last I have heard, the stress level has dropped and I believe even more will 'come out' as time goes on.
Looking back on my friend's experiences as well as myself with the 'talker', I am wondering if God isn't leading me to learn to 'be quiet' in Him rather than choose to 'carry' stress, even when externally it may appear there are no alternatives except to get 'up tight' and stressful.
Isaiah wrote to Israel the following words from the Creator God. "In returning and rest shall ye be saved; In quietness and in confidence shall be your strengh'. Isaiah 30:15 And most of the time when quoting the Bible we 'end' the text there. But, sad to say, God added four more sad words "and ye would not".
God expressed His desire for Israel - and for me - but He wouldn't force them (or won't force me) to accept His kind of 'quiet' or 'rest'. When a person refuses to accept God's plan, God won't force, but the sad words may some day be spoken of them 'and you would not'.
That is so sad when a person refuses 'peace and quiet' from God, but I thank God I can personally choose - because of Jesus' life, death and resurrection - receive God's peace and quiet as well as His love and joyful strength.
May I invite you to join me in experiencing the peace and quiet that only God can give?
Bringer of Peace
Psalm 72
1 A Song for Peace. Teach our leader Your way of making decisions by Your
law, O heavenly Judge, and show Your right way of doing things to his Son. 2
15 years ago
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